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'the magician tells all'



IT WASN'T HIS smile that captures you. When you look at Dominic Prince, it was the aura he exuded that makes a sturdy presence. The way he captures you with everything he's got is nothing short of a fisherman luring his fish just by appearing in its presence and offering his hand to the water. Dominic Prince was Prince Charming personified. He was built for charm, the way he proposed his body language, the airy tilt of his smile. Dominic Prince wasn't sharp angles but fine lines. He had a strong jaw and cheekbones, but his eyes looked soft and kind. He didn't look as intimidating as his credentials possessed.

He had blue eyes - more than blue eyes, they were like sapphires in the enchanting dark shade. His tousled blond hair looked soft and framed his face nicely. His lashes were long, his lips were full, and his gaze was a quiet keen.

When you looked at Dominic Prince you didn't see manipulator, or someone who enjoyed enticing uncomfortable emotions. You look at Dominic Prince and you see nothing but innocence.

Innocence was the wrong word. It was sincerity.

And that was dangerous. Because when you see sincerity, you are putty in the hands of the malice behind it.

"Did you miss me? Let's be honest - " Dominic adjusts his seating position, leaning back and twisting one leg over another. " - the expressions you all have right now is making my most likely dead bones laughing. Do you get it? Because it's funny bones?"

No one laughed. The rest of the boys - Hamel, Brackham, and Song, after gathering as soon as the first two arrived - were still set in a fog of disbelief and none of them replied to a pre-death video of a friend whose cadaver they just visited earlier in the day.

"Oh Christ, the long faces, I can just imagine it. Cheer up, you poor sad lot!" Dominic laughed. It was important to have that distinction in past tense. Laughed. Because I had seen the Dominic now hours before. He was cold, unsmiling and dead. But he seemed so alive now that it just felt like a distant, inconceivable dream.

"This shouldn't be a sad event, especially you, Jimmy, fix your place please." Dominic smirked. "You're wasting such good features with those horrendous expressions."

James, blinking, muttered an emotional, "Fuck you."

"And you, Faris, such a cool, cool face. I do wonder what expression you'll show at my death. That's why I named you the 'Holy Spirit'. You're someone so altruistic and almost abstract to me because emotions to you are the same concept. So I do wonder, the most, what expression you'll show for me, old boy."

Dr. Hamel fixed his glasses. Then slowly raised a middle finger.

When Dominic stared at the camera again, it was like he was staring past the TV, the recorded video, as he turned to Leon who stiffened. "And of course, the man of the hour. The Son. My most precious friend. You gave me the idea you know. I was only ever connected to them through you. And who else do I leave my murder to? Certainly not the Yard - my apologies, Jimmy my boy. It's... impersonal for my murder to be helped up by police. Random coppers I don't know. And murder is such an intimate occurence. It doesn't seem as appropriate if I let just anybody get to the bottom of my demise if not my three best friends, don't you think so?"

He clapped his hands together, startling the rest of us who were all tensed. "And now here we are. I guess I don't really need to twaddle on like a tit, though I'm sure you all miss my gloriously bespoken face. But we're all going to trudge on - and I promise! It won't be boring. You'll also have complete and personal view of my lovely face."

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