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'cordelia song'



"THERE'S SOMETHING MORE about the body," Dr. Hamel announced, knitted eyebrows with his coat ready on one arm.

James swallowed his water, wiping his mouth with his fist. "Gotta drop a bomb just before we leave, I see."

Dr. Hamel glared at him. "I was going to send an autopsy report, but the video made me want to look at everything again. And don't make a comment." James closed his mouth, nodding. He turned to Leon, ever straight-faced. "Dominic may have died with the gunshot wound, but there were traces of potent poisons in his bloodstream. I could identify two, but I think there are more. One of those, coke, had a weird insertion. Traces were found on his nose, which means he inserted that most likely, a very faint amount, but more was found on his stomach."

"Two different entries of a drug?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Dr. Hamel nodded. "Somehow, he was still alive with the small traces through his nose, which may be recreational, but then there was a small time period before the ingested one occurred where he ate a lot of it enough for it to be deadly."

"Imagine having a room full of murderers and they can't even coordinate their murder weapons," James grumbled.

"What were the other poisons?" Leon asked.

"One was cyanide, a very, very potent one that had a weird consistency. Almost as if it was old. Ingested close to his time of death. And something that was different - something that clotted his blood and affected his nerves. It may have affected his head. The results of that, if it didn't kill him, may have given him hallucinations. It affected his nerves too."

James rubbed his face. "Jesus."

"There's more. I don't know if you noticed his side, but he was pierced deeply by a jagged object that may have been a large serrated knife and twisted it. It hit his kidney. That's also another thing I found, Dominic only had one kidney when I opened him."

"Alright, stabbed, poisoned, shot and now missing a kidney. Great. I'm going home to drink myself with a whiskey until I pass out," James declared. "Anything else we should know? Maybe he was punched as well. If nobody did, I could start."

Dr. Hamel ignored him and faced Leon. "I'll send you the second autopsy once I get my signatures. Don't... fixate on this too much, okay?"

Leon nodded. "I'll be fine."

"And I can't believe you're sleeping here." James made a face. "You too, Wendy."

"Victim's orders," Leon reminded him. The other video of Leon's had a note where Dominic opened half of his place to Leon and whoever he deemed necessary which apparently meant me.

"And I'd really like to find out how he knew me or what part I'm playing here," I said. I didn't like the idea of playing in a play where I know nothing about the events or the character I was supposed to fill. I feel like a wild card with no lines or goals. A wild card who could tip any scale.

"Alright then, just don't touch much of the crime scene, I'd really be pleased with that." James saluted just as the elevator opened. "I bid you all good night."

"Easy on the whiskey," I called out. He smiled. The video had left him irritated and exhausted, making quips left and right whilst massaging his face. Now he was just worn.

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