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Looking at the clock I have thirty minuets left before I need to go pick up Kate.  Its not been a bad day overall.  Everyone has been polite, well dressed and easy to work with.  My equipment has behaved, and I have managed to make just about everyone feel relaxed in front of the camera.  I am feeling quite confident about the results.  

I am just waiting on a few more people and then I can shoot off.  I am so engrossed in scrolling through the photos, making sure I don't need to call anyone back, that I clearly didn't notice someone had entered the room, and was hovering much to close to me.

"So, I went and got a different shirt.  That ok?"

I shrieked.  "OH my god.  Has anyone had a talk with you about personal space?"

He chuckles at me, and leans up against the desk I am using.

"Seriously, you gave me a heart attack.  You are lucky I didn't drop anything.  Blimey."

He is laughing at me with his eyes, and even though my heart is pounding from the unwanted surprise, I can't help but gape at how handsome he is.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself.  You were so engrossed in your work, it was too easy to sneak up on you."

"Uh huh.  Okay, what's your name, and department you work for so I can match the photo number with you."

Relaxed leaning against the desk, he has a mischievous grin on his face as he looks at my list.

"Hell of a lot of people there.  I hear you are doing the grounds and buildings as well?"

"Yeah, it's been quite a day.  Everyones been great though, so it's gone smoothly.  It will be interesting to see everything else tomorrow.  Actually, I'll be meeting Andrew in the morning for breakfast, before he escorts me around.  I hear some of the buildings are magnificent."

God. Is it hot in here? And has all the oxygen been sucked out of this room.  The longer he looks at me, the dryer my throat gets.  He's changed his outfit to dark grey slacks, and a black shirt.  His aura is playful, but he still gives off a dangerous vibe.  He makes me think of a grizzly bear, cute and cuddly but will go in for the kill if provoked.  I don't know what to make of this man.  But I know my body is all for him. 

"Well, I manage those sites. I reckon I will be a better guide for you.  Meet me for lunch at 12 and I'll take you to the major sites in progress."

"Oh uh.  I'll have to talk to Andrew about that."

He narrows his eyes just for a moment.  But then chuckles, and in that deep baritone voice that literally has me swooning. "I assure you.  Andrew will be fine with it.  But run it past him if it makes you more comfortable.   Now.  Where and how do you want me?"

My place in my bed and preferably naked.  Whoops... Lets keep thoughts clean so nothing accidentally gets said out loud.  Goodness, my mind is acting like a horny teenager.  Get it together, and for gods sake don't drool.    

I just about manage to get through the shots.  He puts his card upside down on the table. "Here's my details if you need to change any plans.  But I will talk to Andrew, and see you tomorrow. Looking forward to it."

He breezes out of the room, and the space feels larger with his absence.  I wonder what he does?  I pick up his card to fill out my sheet and my eyes almost pop out of my head.  Issac Blackwood.  And he is the CEO.

Bugger!  I have been bantering in a flirty way with the CEO and covered him in coffee and to top it off, I am having lunch with the guy tomorrow.  I feel my whole body go red in embarrassment.  Well, at least I didn't loose the contract.  God, he probably wants to make sure I don't screw up tomorrow.  No wonder everyone freaked out this morning.  


Andrew nearly chokes on his coffee when I tell him about my encounter with Issac.

"So. He said he's taking you to the external sites?  Are you sure?"

"Oh god, is he a super control freak? I am good at what I do, but having someone breathe down my neck always messes with how I am setting up the image."

"Uhhhh... He is...  Particular about the way things are done yes.  But, somehow, I don't... "

He trails off in thought. I've enjoyed Andrews company this morning. Its like hanging out with an older brother with the back and fourth banter, he's smart and has good worldly knowledge to have some fun discussions.  This has been a really nice job so far.  And its actually nice to have some company.  I don't often get out and have a social life.  So I'll take it.

"You don't....?"

"Nevermind.   I have a gut feeling that it won't be all that bad with you around him. Come.  We got a lot of places to cover.  Lets leave the coffee here shall we?  Don't want you making anyone else in the building shirtless again do we?"

I cringe while he chuckles. "One time Andrew.  One time."

I follow on behind, and get caught up in the work, and before I know it, it's almost lunchtime.

Lets see how the afternoon goes.  No coffee around Issac.  Thats for sure.

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