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The feeling of sunlight warming my face wakes me up and it feels lovely. I go to stretch, and the softest fluffiest pillows caress my head.   This is not my bed.

Everything from last night comes crashing into my mind light a freight train.  Sitting bolt upright I take in my surroundings, because hell will be a walk in the park if that monster is in the same room as me.  He took me.  Kidnap.  Me.  How dare he!  Luck being on my side I am alone.  Or maybe its luck on his side, because I feel furious, and impulsive.  I may try rip his throat out right now.

The room itself is magnificent.  Think old English country house in the Georgian times.  The walls are a pale yellow and olive green.  Everything is intricately designed.  All antiques.  Dark wooden dresser, wardrobe and side tables.   I feel like royalty.

I don't like it.  It makes my wolf and I antsy.    Looking out the window, I am in awe.  The gardens and land go as far as the eye can see.  Rolling hills in the distance, farmland and woods.  Directly in front of me is the most magnificent manicured garden I have ever had the privilege of seeing.  Everything has its place.  It's all symmetrical.  The theme is clearly roman with all the roman statues scattered strategically around.

If I wasn't so pissed about how I ended up here, I would be delighted.  This is literally like a pocket of paradise. It reminds me a lot of those national trust locations around the UK.  Where they restore and maintain some beautiful buildings, and create a wonderful countryside experience.

Theres no-one outside.  And I don't see any villages.  Escape is my first thought, but, I don't know the first thing about it.  Goddamnit.  I am actually really inexperienced.  After this, I am enrolling in classes on survival in nature, better fighting classes, and maybe anger management.  Because Lord knows when I see that asshole Remus, I am gonna see red.

Exploring the room a bit more, there's a small selection of clothes in the wardrobe.  One set of gym clothes, one magnificent midnight blue silk and sequinned floor length ball gown, and a set of casual clothes that consist of washed out skinny jeans, white vest and a brown suede jacket.  Okay.  Creepy its all my size. 

Gathering the casual outfit, I make my way over to the bathroom and go to shower.  Let's face it, its a rubbish situation, in an unknown location.  I need to find my bearings, not act impulsively.  Who knows what the day will unravel, and a shower is a good start.  Hygiene at its best.

After a seriously relaxing shower, (the pressure in that thing was perfect, even my wolf relished in it) I step out of the bathroom towel drying my hair and snarl. 

Sitting in the bay window with a cup of coffee is Remus.  His hair is slicked back, dressed in dark fitted jeans, a black buttoned shirt with rolled sleeves, and black boots.  He looks devilishly handsome.  Another life, another place I would have drooled.  Right now, all I can think about is sinking my canines into his throat.

"Its good to see you awake and refreshed little one."

Standing there I just stared at him.  I don't want to make a mistake and act impulsively, and am not really sure where to take this.  He rolls his eyes at me with a grin, walks toward the door and gestures for me to follow.

"Come, let me show you around and we can talk."

I follow him, my wolf is calmly sitting and watching.  She's curious about our surroundings and what's going on.  Nothing is connecting or making sense, so she's with me, letting it unfold for a little while until we have our bearings.

Remus shows me around the building.  It's massive and magnificent.  Four floors.  Hundreds of people live here, not that I saw very many.  The place is decorated like a museum, but it seems to function like a massive hotel.  Games room, dining room, Library.  It's truly wondrous.  The entire time though, every exit I have eyed, there has been a guard.  Surprisingly, they are not all vampires.   Some of them had wings, some were tiny like elves, and one had gills.  I couldn't quite wrap my head around it. Finally after the tour we end up in what looks like an office.  Or library with a desk.  Take your pick.

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now