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I go to the side of the house and quickly strip off my clothes to shift.  I take a running start and leap forward into my wolf shaking out my the tingles.

God it feels so good to be in this form.  I haven't shifted since I got here, and my wolf needed this.  We needed this.  I take a step back and let her take over.  This is as much her time as it is mine, and she takes off running at a ground breaking speed.  I watch the trees blend into one another as we sprint by, the wind rushing through our fur, the smell of the damp earth beneath our paws and I sprint on.  

My whole mind is clouded by what Remus said.  Lucian has been unpleasant.  But.  I guess he's right in that I have been equally so.  We really did get off to a bad start.  If I want to give this mate business a chance, then maybe I need to reset my thinking on him.  My wolf yips in my head in agreement.  She's besotted with his wolf already.  It would seem the humans are the ones causing the issues.  Another yip and I give her a glare in my mind.  Okay okay.  Lets just enjoy this moment shall we?

She gives me a wolfish grin, and slows down to a trot.  I can hear a waterfall nearby, and the idea of the peace and tranquility is alluring. My wolf gives back the control and I make my way over, lapping up the water cooling down my burning throat.  God its been quite the day.  The emotional stress of it has taken its toll on me.  I look around and it occurs to me that I am alone.  Oh my god I totally forgot to tell Lucias I was going and clearly no guards noticed I left.

Well. I guess it's already done now.

I look to the water and can't resist.  Shifting into my human form, I step forward and wade into the water.  The cool refreshing feeling engulfs me, washing away my concerns.  I dive under, the water is clear as glass and I can see the stars through the water as I look up.  Swimming around, I relish the cool feel of the mist from the waterfall, filling my senses.  God I needed to get away.

 My wolf perks up.  I am too entranced by the tranquility of this moment, that I don't pay attention to her, so am startled when I hear his deep husky voice.

"I told you not to run away from me mate."


I spin around in alarm, and am relived to see its just him.  Then I narrow my eyes at him.  Of course he would come and intrude in this moment of peace wouldn't he.

"Its not running away if I intend to come back, your highness."  I practically have to clench my teeth together to keep in the irritation I feel toward him.   I said I would give him a chance.  Common Roxy.  Calm it down.

"Do you realize how reckless you are?  Marcus made it past our patrols.  Who knows who else has made it through.  Its not safe by yourself, but no, you go ahead and put yourself in danger by running off. Do you realize how irresponsible that is?"

"Marcus said he would never harm me."

"That doesn't mean he won't take you."

"And why would that be a problem? Its not like you want me here anyway. God, why it was you who came to find me is shocking really."

"Do you want to go with him?"


"Good.  Now get out, we are going back."


"Excuse me?"

"You heard me.  You're not that old.  Are you?  Or am I mated to an aging wolf loosing his hearing?"

Damnit.  Why am I provoking him?  I can see his shoulders tensing. If I look closely, is that steam coming out of his ears?  Hmmm... this isn't really trying to reset ourselves is it?  But then again.  Pissing him off is a lot of fun.

"Come here now."

I narrow my eyes at him then smirk.

"Make me."   Oh flip.  Why did I say that?

I tense up watching him glare at me.  I gulp as I watch him strip off his clothes slowly. Deliberatly. The anger rippling through his body, making his muscles even more delicious in this moonlight.  My wolf is practically licking her lips, and my heart rate is racing.   I didn't think he would actually come in the water to get me.  My eyes widen as he starts to wade in the water in his boxers.  His long lean legs striding toward me with the purpose of a predator.

I look around for an escape route while treading the water backwards.  I am acutely aware I am naked.  Maybe if I get out quick enough I can make a run for it in my wolf form.  Its like he senses what I am thinking, and he dives into the water toward me.  I squeal and start swimming as fast as I can to the other side.  Before I make it even three strokes, I am pulled abruptly under the water, his two strong hands engulfing my form, wrapping around my waist.

We come up to the surface gasping for air.  I glare at him, and before he can move, I maneuver myself and dunk his head under the water making him loosen his grip on me.  I take advantage and wriggle out of his hold putting arms length between us.  He comes back up out of the water spluttering.  "Oh you are going to pay for that."

"Am I?"  And I splash water into his face before I swim away from him as fast as I can toward the waterfall.  I yelp as I feel him grip on ankle and yank me toward him.  I thrash around, trying to loosen myself out of his hold but he's stronger.  I feel him pulling me hard flush up against his body.

So - I tickle him.  Yes I know juvenile.  But damnit a girls gotta fight dirty when your up against warrior strength.

It surprised him so much he practically launched me away from him, making me squeal in delight.  When I surface, I lock eyes with him. Oh shit.

"Oh little mate.  You are going to pay for that.  I think it's high time I gave you some discipline."

A New Sensation - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now