Sick Boii

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~I am back with a second Good Omens oneshot book, can I hear a wahoo? My first one got a pretty good amount of reads and I got good oneshot suggestions so enjoy! ;)~
(Credit~ @PotatoMoon-Chan)


"Are you feeling alright angel...?" I asked as I eyed Aziraphale, whose pale face and bloodshot eyes stared back at me.

"Yes- *cough* I'm quite alright..." he said through a nasally voice.

"Right..." I nodded my head slowly.

Aziraphale reached for his glass and held the drink in a trembling hand as he coughed once again.

"Can angels even get sick...?" I asked as I clasped my fingers underneath of me.

"I'm not... *sneeze* sick..." he urged.

"But can they...?" I began.

"If spent long enough on earth *sniff* they can began to gain human qualities, one of them being *cough*...sick," Aziraphale explained through a struggle of speech.

"So..." I started.

"I'm not sick!" Aziraphale exclaimed. "I can't be... no! Absolutely *sneeze* not!"

"So your not sick... you're just sneezing every minute and look like a corpse?" I suggested as Aziraphale flashed me an incredulous look.

I stared at my friend and watched as his drink slipped from his fingers and his head leaned back as Azirphale's eyes fluttered and rolled back.

I sprung up to catch him before he could tumble completely off his chair. This of course attracted attention as I waved away the people who offered their help.

"No need! He's just a bit tipsy," I said as I hooked my arm around Aziraphale's waist and pulled him up from his chair.

The angel mumbled indecipherable words under his breath.

"Hush angel!" I hissed as I worked to pull half his weight down the street to my Bentley.

I threw the back door open and roughly managed to get Aziraphale in. He seemed to be near unconscious and was sprawled out on the backseats taking ragged breaths.

I huffed and went to the drivers seat as I began to hail it back to the bookshop. Occasionally, I stole glances at Aziraphale to make sure he wasn't dead or 'inconveniently discorporated' in the back of my car. He was out as he lay very still in the back.

"Angel...?" I asked.

I soft mumble escaped Aziraphale as I sighed with relief and closed in on the bookshop.

After parking the Bentley, I made my way 'round to the backseats as I threw open the door and peered to look at Aziraphale who was asleep.

I groaned and leaned to tap him awake. As my hand fell on his face I frowned at how hot he felt. The angel mumbled something quietly as I wrapped my arms around him and began pulling him out from my Bentley.

He was half awake as he stumbled alongside me to the bookshop. We scrambled into the shop as I pulled the angel along. After finding where his room was, I managed to get him into his bed.

I slipped off his coat, beige vest, and shoes as I lay him as comfortably as I could onto the soft bed. I tossed the articles of clothing and shoes into the corner of the room as I huffed and stared at his sickly face.

The angel's eyes squinted open as his gaze trailed to me. He began to lift his head but winced as it fell back onto the pillow.

"Yeah... best to lay down," I said softly.

"What happened?" He asked as his face twisted into confusion.

"Well thanks to me, I managed to drag you from the restaurant, all the way into my Bentley, and then here into your bed," I explained.


I sighed, "Just... get rest angel."

Aziraphale huffed as his eyes fell back and he was pulled back into a sickly rest.

I ran a hand through my hair as I thought of what to do with him. I needed to help him somehow, but I'm a demon... not a doctor!

I swept out the room and into his kitchen in search for medication or anything to make him feel better. I felt a pang of guilt for helping someone... but it was Aziraphale! He was an exception, the only exception.

I left the thoughts in the back of my head as I worked to search the cupboards. My luck arrived once I opened a drawer to see a few bottles of pills. I grabbed every bottle and began to unscrew each cap in a flurry. I had no recognition of what they did as I read labels and even tried a couple to see the best for my friend.

I poured water into a cup and rushed to his room as I clutched multiple pills in my fist. Aziraphale was breathing rapidly as his face contorted in pained winces.

Slight panic flared as I approached him and sat on the edge.

"Angel?" I asked as I nudged him gently.

He muttered as his eyes slitted open.

"I erm, I brought you pills," I said extending my hand to show him the two pills.

Aziraphale exhaled and remained laying. I bit my lip before finally placing my hand behind his head to lift him up slowly. I popped the pills into his mouth as I slowly poured water. He obliged as he swallowed the pills, he groaned as he fought to speak.

"Thank you..." he mumbled.

I smiled and remained seated at the side of the bed. Aziraphale began to shuffle in the bed until he had curled up around me. I froze as I watched him snore softly, his face peaceful and rid of pain. It hit me then that I had also given him a sleep pill to lull him into peaceful rest.

Now I was stuck with an angel sleeping up against me. I smiled softly as I sat at the beds' edge, well now I was stuck here. That thought didn't bother me whatsoever.


~Currently writing these on the road, once I have my computer than I'll edit these better but make do with what ya have! This was a sweet one to write and honestly I'm amused with having the ability to write such heartwarming things. I hope it was good! 👌🏻 ;)~

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