Picnic Preperations (part 2)

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~Aaaand as I promised, here is the other half to this oneshot. ;)~


It was the next day and I wasn't disappointed that the angel didn't want to stay at my place. He had his reasons and maybe I was rushing this. I huffed as I sprawled my legs out from the edge of the bed and sat up.

I made my way towards my closet, deciding that for today's occasion I could lose my normal day to day outfit and dress in something else. My maroon button-up caught my eye as I retrieved it. I added a pair of black trousers to that and leather shoes. After buttoning up my shirt, I loosely wrapped on a tie and added a black jacket. I picked some sunglasses from off my bedside table and finally neatened my hair.

I strolled from out of my bedroom and found the plate of sandwiches that the angel and I had prepared for today's picnic. I set the plate into a basket and took out my mobile as I began to phone Aziraphale.

"Hey Aziraphale," I greeted, my voice still croaky from sleep.

"Oh hi," he greeted cheerfully.

"I'm driving over, make sure you're ready."

"Will do," Aziraphale answered as I quickly hung up.

I gathered the basket and quickly made my way from out of my flat. I felt almost thrilled for this picnic which felt odd as I was normally indifferent to such activities. I shrugged the feelings away as I slipped into my Bentley and set the basket into the backseats.

I sped through the London streets, breaking speeding records as usual as I made my way to the angel's bookshop. I could see the familiar building in the distance as I began to park at the side of the road.

Finally, I began to step from out of the car and head to the bookshop. The front sign posted on the door read closed as I opened the door.

"Angel?" I called out as I faced the empty bookshop.

"Yes, I'm coming!" He hollered from somewhere on the opposite end.

I sighed as I folded my arms and leaned against the wall. The sound f heavy shuffling and stumbling about was heard.

"I thought I told you to be ready when I came," I said through a sigh as Aziraphale finally approached me.

"Yes, well you get here quite quickly which barely gives me time to do so," Said Aziraphale as he straightened his bow tie and gave me a small smile.

"Right, well come on then angel," I said as I began to turn and head out of the shop.

More shuffling came from behind as I heard the clinking of glass. I turned to see the angel holding up several bottles of drinks. I hid my smirk as I held the door for him.

Once the both of us had settled inside my Bentley I waited at the wheel for his instructions. 

"Where to?" I asked as I faced him.

"St. James's?" He suggested.

I nodded and revved up the vehicle as I ped us from out of the central London streets.

"And you have the sandwiches of course?" Said the angel.

I gestured towards the back with my free hand.

The angel turned and saw the basket lying on the backseats.

"Jolly good," He said with a smile.

A pause passed before the angel took a breath, "You know Crowley, we don't have to go on this picnic if you don't want to."

This caught me by surprise as I snapped out of my whirlwind of thoughts.

"Oh? No, I want to," I said with the cock of an eyebrow as I faced Aziraphale. "What makes you think that I don't want to have a picnic with you?"

"It's just... you seem, well you just don't seem to hold any excitement over this particular activity," Said Aziraphale.

I gave him a slightly alarmed look, "Of course I want to do this angel, I don't exactly have anything else to do since Armageddon has been discontinued."

I glanced back at the angel to see him smiling warmly to himself. I smirked as I looked at him.

"Crowley WAtCh OuT!" Aziraphale suddenly shouted as I took my eyes off from him and swerved my Bentley away from a cyclist.

"He's on the car lane!" I exclaimed bitterly as I honked at the cyclist who gave me a rude gesture.

I growled from under my breath as I began to turn the Bentley close to St. James's Park.

Finally, after the car had been parked by the side street, the angel and I got out. Aziraphale miracled a light grey blanket. I placed the drinks that he had brought inside the basket with sandwiches.

Soon, we began our walk through the park to find the perfect spot for picnicking.

"Ah! That looks quite lovely," Announced Aziraphale as he advanced towards a big tree.

It posted a great amount of shade from underneath of it and was a perfect distance away from most of the passing people.

"Yes, that seems a good fit," I announced as Aziraphale began to spread the soft blanket along the grass.

Soon, the angel plopped down and smiled up at me. I sighed and joined him as I lied down on my side, propping up an elbow on the ground.

Aziraphale had begun to unpack the contents from the basket as he laid out the small sandwiches and drink bottles. I took a bottle and snapped my fingers to uncork it as I had begun to guzzle it down.

"Slow down Crowley, we have barely even started!" Exclaimed Aziraphale.

I grumbled as I set the bottle down roughly and sighed in disappointment. Aziraphale instead placed a sandwich in my hand as he took his own and bit into it. I complied as I had also begun to eat. The two of us sat, I, listening to Aziraphale chatter on about books and different sorts of restaurants that he wants to visit in the future. I only smiled as I nodded along to him and made commentary.

"And in America, I've heard of this bakery-" He cut himself off abruptly as he gave me a curious look. "Why are you staring at me like that?" He questioned.

"I- what? How can you see what way I'm staring at you at?" I  flustered.

"If focused enough I can still see your eyes through your sunglasses," He explained.

I cocked an eyebrow, "Right...? So my staring...?" I went on.

"I've never seen you hold this much interest in my conversation," observed Aziraphale.


"Well... the most response I get from you is a small nod of your head or a small comment," He said.

"I guess I'm just happy to be at this picnic with you," I said casually.

The angel gave me a warm smile as I gave one in return. We sat filling up on sandwiches and drinks as we talked on, a Nightengale bird twittering just on an overhead branch.


~I'm so sorry I didn't post this one quicker, I've been busy! But anyways, I really hope that this wasn't a disappointment. I'll see you in the next story! ;)~

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