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~ This scene didn't make it into the show but I thought it would be amazing to write out with a few of my own changes, I hope you like it!~


"Look... Aziraphale, you've been on earth for thousands of years and you only want to do this now...?" Said Gabriel.

"Yes, I was thinking that if I had a permanent place on earth, perhaps a shop of some sorts... it would improve my work," I explained hopefully.

"Right, and where exactly?" Asked the angel.

 "Well, I was thinking rather a place called London?" I said.

Crowley's place was in the London area, conveniently close to the bookshop I could put up. 

"So you want to live in a shop in London?" Implied Gabriel.

I stared at him as I collected my final thoughts, "Quite right."

"And how will this improve your work?" Asked the angel as he clasped his hands behind his back and sighed impatiently.

"Well, I had noticed that a rather large amount of evil activity has been taking place over there..." I said faltering slightly.

"Oh right, Crowley lives there now according to the news we heard from downstairs," said Gabriel.

"Oh well, that explains a lot..." I said hesitantly.

"Right, so you'll get a permanent spot in London where you will reduce the demon's deeds, keep an eye on him, and will report back to us," said Gabriel as he gave me an ordering look. "Good talking to you," he said as he turned on his heels and walked off.

"Right... farewell," I mumbled.

I smiled at my new accomplishment as I began my descent to London. I was enveloped in a white flash and soon, the sounds people surrounded me.

I turned around to see the London life around me, as I looked around more, I halted as my eyes fell upon a building. It was a little corner shop, through the display windows I could see the abundance of books stacked up neatly in their assorted shelves.

I let out an excited gasp as I rushed across the street which, of course, earned me a few angry shouts from passing civilians. I apologized as I flustered past them and got to the door of the shop, my shop. I was beyond excited as I struggled to open the door. Once I had succeeded inside, I bounced in and gaped at the interior.

I was beaming at the walls and shelves of books. Several tables and cozy couches speckled the inside of the shop as I continued to slowly walk along the floor. I ran my fingers past the spines of books as I slid one book out. The outside was a blue leather as the cover was engraved in gold, the title reading, Adventures of Tom Sawyer by; Mark Twain. I opened the book as I inhaled the fresh paper smell.

I slid the book back into it's designated spot as I sighed contently and continued to contemplate at the books.

I spent about two hours of just going through different books, even sat down to began reading one. I've never been more satisfied and joyous with my life.

Life had started to become inconvenient with the whole moving around, never having a place of my own. Maybe a month or so ago, Crowley had acquired himself a flat. I've been invited over to his place on several occasions, but I declined each offer due to the fact that I'm an angel and he's a demon. My side would not like me being in Crowley's flat.

There was one time, several days ago actually that Crowley had tried to tempt me to stay at his flat. But due to my nature, I simply refused and haven't talked to him since. I did have to admit that I had missed the talks we carried on almost every day. A week had almost passed since that tempting and I was beginning to grow tired of our silence.

"Oh, what are you talking about Aziraphale! Listen to yourself, you're an angel!" I exclaimed as I huffed to myself and slumped down onto an armchair.

I slumped down and held a leather-bound book in my lap as I stared at the cover of it, sadness beginning to trickle in as I thought of Crowley being upset at me, for all I knew, he may never talk to me.

A knock came from my front door as I snapped my head to face the small window on the door as it exposed the one and only face of Crowley. He held up a flat box in one hand and mouthed, 'chocolates'.

I was utterly stunned by the demon as he stood on the opposite end with his box of chocolates. I was quick enough to snap out of my shocked state as I quickly zipped to the door and opened it.

"Hello, Aziraphale!" He said as he stood.

"I wasn't expecting you, Crowley..." I said with slight caution.

"Yeah, well I was passing through and saw your little new shop. I'm not sure what the humans do to congratulate each other and so I bought those chocolates that you liked," He explained.

My lips curled into a soft smile as I beamed at him and gestured for him to sit. I took the box of chocolates as I read the top of the box, and indeed, they were my absolute favourite kind.

"Why thank you," I said brightly.

"Best not to do that..." Said Crowley with a warning look.

"Right, well... I am glad that you stopped by." I continued. "Care for a celebratory drink?"

"I'd love a drink," Answered Crowley with his own sly grin.

I nodded as I headed off to pour us our beverages. Soon I returned to him and handed him his glass with crimson liquid swishing inside.

"To your bookshop and may it forever stay successful," Said Crowley as he clinked his glass with mine.

"To my bookshop," I beamed.


~Welp, I hope that was a good one, I'm trying to post more often, sorry about the waits! Anyways, till my next oneshot. ;)~

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