Fifteenth Service

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He was in a state of pure shock. He felt that everything was crushing down on him so hard and so fast he couldn't believe it, not even for a second.

He tried to speak but couldn't find his words or either, he couldn't find his voice. He just helplessly stared at his mother, who had a very serious look on her face.

He knew it was no joking matter.

"What?" That was his first word after being brought back by cruel reality. The mother's lips curled into a smile, not a smile he usually sees, that one was more sadistic.

And it fitted her aura perfectly.

"I'm not repeating my words nor I'm taking it back Tetsu. You heard them loud and clear." She said as she slowly leaned on her seat. The tension in the air grew thick and she secretly fiddled with her photograph that she kept on her pocket.

She wondered how this was going to turn out. She was composed and calm towards her son as she raised her eyebrow at him, taunting him to fight back.

And he took the bait.

"Mother, you don't seriously mean it. Look at cousin Nagisa-kun who is dating Karma-kun who is a boy. And they're eighteen years old! They know what they're getting themselves into..." He defended. He wouldn't back down just because his mother doesn't approve the relationship he had with the redhead.

It was either she approves it or not. He didn't fully care that his mother will never speak to him again, as long he had someone who deeply cares for him and won't betray he was fine by the horrible result.

She placed her fingers on her chin, thinking thoughtfully as she looked at her offspring with a blank stare. "That's because they aren't my children. You know Tetsu I'm not getting any younger and I want grandchildren." She explained as she placed her hand on the table, the other once still clutching the photograph tightly.

"Then we could always adopt." He bit back.

"I want grandchildren that are related to me by blood." She said in a dangerous tone but her face still neutral.

"There is this operation where I could just give my sperm to a lady friend of mine and she could bare my child and I could still be with Sei-kun." He remarked. It was a good thing he remembered about that, and he has several friends who would be willing to help him since they were a very huge fan of LGBTQ.

The mother sighed, stubborn she thought bitterly. "I want you to marry a lady who came provide you needs that a man couldn't." She said very slowly.

She was slowly losing her mind from talking to her son.

She now wondered how she survived all these years.

"But that man I love mother, is someone I couldn't compare to just any woman. I love him and he loves me. Why can't you just accept the reality that your only son is happy and in love with someone who loves and cares for him just the same? Even father accepts and also Akashi-sama." He was now standing, his voice projecting louder but not loud enough that it can be labelled as a scream or yell.

He was breathing hard; he didn't know he had that power in him. All his life he was the quiet guy, the man who was barely noticeable but was awarded for his smarts and kindness.

The mother reached out and sipped her tea. Secretly she was panicking inside but was composing herself as she sipped her tea.

Once she placed her tea cup down she looked at him with a glint that he couldn't decipher well. "How certain are you that Wataru accepted willingly? For all I care, he could have been bribed or threatened to do follow." Her words were lacing in anger but her face was still neutral that it was irritating.

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