Chapter 6: Give Me The Deets

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I had to stay another ten minutes in the classroom.

The monitor made us fill out the sheet, and I wrote as quickly as I could without making my handwriting completely illegible.

The boys took longer. How long? I don't know.

The monitor let me go after I was done and I walked out without looking back.

Aaron called my name as I walked out but I ignored him. He was being an insensitive jerk that was blinded by whatever it was he was feeling, and I refuse to further acknowledge his presence.

I throw a book across the floor of my room.

I'm cleaning, something I always do when I'm upset or sad or bored. I walked in my house from Gracie's car, stomped up the stairs to my room, and slammed the door. I took one look around my room, taking in its slight messiness, dumped my bag on my bed and immediately started to clean.

My dictionary hits the floor with a hard thud, and I ignore it, turning back to face my desk.

"Cass, wha-"

My dad abruptly stops as I turn to face him.

His eyes scan my face, the state of my room, that has objects strewn all around it, and the cleaning supplies that are on my desk chair.

"Never mind," he says, backing out of the room and closing the door behind him.

I roll my eyes at the closed door and proceed to clean.

Two hours later, and I'm done.

Nothing is on the floor, all of my clothes are put away, and my dresser and desk are cleared off.

Just seeing the cleanliness of my room calms me down.

It's nice knowing that everything is in its place, is where it's supposed to be.

I sigh and open my bedroom door, making my way downstairs.

It's seven o'clock, which means it's time for dinner.

My family likes to eat an early dinner so there's time to do other stuff before bed.

When I enter the dining room, my plate is already on the table and my parents are already seated.

I sit down and pick up my fork.

"How was school, sweetie?" Mom asks.

I shrug. "Fine." Except for the last part of it.

"Make any new friends?"

"No," I say bitterly, memories of Aaron and Cole and Adrian and detention coming back to me.

The three of us fall into silence, and it's moments like these that I wish I had a sibling.

Maybe a sister, so I could talk to her about how confusing and stupid guys are. Or maybe a brother, so he could threaten the guys that talk to me or, I don't know, fight with me or something.

I just wish I had somebody-besides Gracie and Gabs-that would be there for me when my parents are gone, which is basically all the time.

I use my fork to push the salmon on my plate around. I've had it before, so I know it's really good, but I don't want to eat it. I'm not that hungry.

Me not being hungry is rare. I'll never turn down food, so when I do, something is wrong.

Nothing should be wrong. I thought I got all of the anger out of my system while I was cleaning my room, but apparently some bad feelings are still there.

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