Chapter 46: Tracy

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If there's one thing I don't have, it's the ability to control my temper.

I might have it in check one second—okay, it's not exactly under control, but I'm able to resist the urge to clock someone in the face—and then I'm crossing the line and yelling the next.

I'm trying to keep myself calm. I really am. For the first time in a long time, I am actually making a conscious effort to keep my emotions in check.

Kayla's helping; her tiny hand is squeezing mine, her grip tight, and she looks up at me, her expression reassuring as she pats my leg with her other hand.

But, as the girl continues to press her body against Aaron's, who's trying to get away from her, it's becoming harder and harder to stay even somewhat calm.

Aaron finally manages to get himself out of the girl's grip, holding her body out away from his at the wrists with one hand.

His nose is scrunched up, and he reaches up with his free hand to swipe at his lips, shooting me an apologetic look.

I give him a reassuring smile, and he returns his gaze to the girl in front of him.

"Tracy, hi," he deadpans, keeping all emotion out of his voice and off his face.

I find myself squeezing Kayla's hand tighter, trying not to hurt her, and I inhale sharply, a spike of pain and jealousy pricking me in the heart as I remember what Tony said about a girl named Tracy earlier.

It's fine, it's fine, I tell myself. Everything's fine, nothing bad is going to happen. Everything is going to be fine.

I hope.

"Oh my God, Aaron," she squeals looking up at him in adoration. "I can't believe you're back. It's been so long since you last came to visit."

He nods, stepping away from her as he releases her and moves closer to me, wrapping an arm around my waist.

Tracy's eyes drop to where his arm is touching my body, and she, for the first time since she got here, notices me. A scowl immediately forms on her lips, the look she was previously giving Aaron transforming into one of disgust.

"Who's this?"

"This is Cassie, my..."

He trails off and sneaks a glance at me, looking questioning and scared and nervous all at the same time.

I would be doing the same thing in his position; we're not official or anything, so are we supposed to use the boyfriend/girlfriend titles? Are we even allowed to if we haven't made anything official?

Aaron's expression changes to one of determination, joined by a spark of warmth in his eyes.

"Everything," he finishes, looking back at Tracy. "She's my everything.

Why do I want to start bawling my eyes out?

"Ew," says a deep voice, and I look to where it came from to see a boy around my age leaning against the doorway. "Never thought you'd turn into such a softie."

This boy doesn't look like Aaron, or Tony, or even Kayla; I'm guessing he's just a family friend because, even though this boy has black hair like Aaron's, he has blue eyes, and looks really similar to Tracy, who I hope isn't related in any way to Aaron.

Great, a sibling.

Nope, nope, we're being nice now. Gotta remember that.

He also has a more reserved air to him.

Aaron and Tony have a friendly, outspoken vibe to them; they're people that like to be heard, people that like to be in the center of things.

This boy has a brooding feel to him. His arms are crossed across his chest, and his eyes seem to be silently assessing everything in the room.

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