Chapter 38: McDonald's

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Cassie's point of view:

If there's one thing I've discovered about myself in these last few months, it's that I hate hospitals.

Honestly, I do.

The smell of disinfectant fills my nose every time I inhale, and I would rather be smelling anything else.

My parents came over and cried a little bit. Well, Mom did; Dad was pacing around the room angrily, claiming he knew all along that Kyle was no good.

Sure he did.

I'm alone now, and I wish I wasn't, because all I can think about is how I'm not enough.

I wasn't enough for my father and I wasn't enough for Kyle, because he cheated on me and showed no remorse until almost two years after the incident, and then he broke my leg, which, weirdly enough, hurts the most.

Kyle didn't change at all.

Sitting in this hospital bed, I've had a lot of time to think, and I've realized that Kyle hasn't changed between now and when we were dating; so that just means I was blind to it.

I let out a bored sigh.

I want Aaron.

I want him here to make fun of me, to tell me everything is going to be fine, to tell me that he'll stay with me until I'm okay again, and that he'll stay even if I'm never okay again.

But he's not going to, because he's dating Tiffany.

And I find myself wondering why I still like him, why I'm still hanging out with him, if he's content to stay with Tiffany.

I meant what I said when he said we could date in secret; I don't like being on the side, being treated like I'm not someone's main priority.

Kyle already did that to me, and I'm not looking to go through that again.

It's morning now, and I look out the window in my room to see birds flying around and the trees swaying in the wind.

I want to be outside, but a glance at my leg curbs those dreams.

I'm so hungry.

There's no one to bring me food from the cafeteria—which I wouldn't eat anyways—and the nurses aren't going to bring anything for a while.

I'm so fucking hungry.

My phone pings, and I pick it up to see a text from Aaron.

Helpful Ass: Hey cassie

Helpful Ass: You awake?

Me: Yea, why?

Helpful Ass: I'll be at the hospital in a little bit.

Helpful Ass: Want me to sneak you in some McDonald's??

I love this dude.

Me: Ten-piece nuggets and a large fry.

Me: And a Medium Diet Pepsi or Coke, whichever one.

Me: And an Oreo mcflurry

Helpful Ass: 👌

He doesn't respond after that, so I put my phone down and close my eyes.


I end up falling asleep and the only reason I'm up now is because Aaron is gently shaking me awake.

My eyes open to see him looking down at me with a smile on his face—with his cute ass dimples on display—and his green eyes shining with warmth.

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