BC #2: Favorite Teacher (1)

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Okay, so two things: a) this chapter takes place before Cassie and Aaron's graduation from high school, sometime during the last week of school, and c) there's an important a/n at the end I need y'all to read (promise it's not too long). Enjoy!

(I can't find whoever suggested this, but thank you! I promise I'm getting around to other suggestions, but this one just sparked the creative chord in my brain, and I just had to write it.)


A tap on my right thigh grabs my attention from the sheet of paper in front of me. The paper is an end-of-the-year survey, meant to provide the teacher with feedback on teaching methods, classwork loads, stuff like that.

I don't see the point in filling it out—as I'm sure Mr. Griffith knows I love his class—but it's being taken for a grade. It's the end of the year, so that wasn't much motivation, but, like I said, I like the class.

Griffith's classroom is silent, the kids focused on their respective sheets of paper. Heads are bent and pencils scratch against papers. It's weird because we're almost never silent. When given work like this, the classroom holds a steady thrum of conversation, kids speaking in hushed tones to their friends as work is done.

Mr. Griffith never seemed to have a problem with it, but he asked that we 'complete this end of year reflection in silence to ensure that our responses are well thought out and as accurately phrased as possible'.

Yeah. He's crazy.

Another tap lands on my thigh, and my head turns to the right. I'm expecting to meet Aaron's green eyes, but am instead met with the side of his head, his attention locked on a sheet of his own. He taps the eraser of his pencil against the desk with his right hand, the sound a steady beat.

When he doesn't look at me, I roll my eyes, and return my attention to the sheet of the paper.

Would you say the work provided to you by the teacher, as well as the course itself, was engaging and/or supplementary to your overall senior year learning experience? If not, please lost a number of things the teacher can utilize as ways to make the course more engaging come next year.

I do not understand Mr. Griffith. My brain is fried from a year of learning bullshit, and he always words his questions in ways that take a lot of work to understand. Probably why I almost failed this class, to be honest.

I feel a tap on my right thigh again, and I turn my head back towards Aaron's. This time, the side of his mouth is turned up in a smirk—though he still isn't looking at me— and a scoff makes its way out of my throat.

Once again turning my head back to my paper, I stare without seeing anything, waiting for the exact moment his hand touches my thigh again.

And when it does, I snap.

"What in the everloving fudge nuggets do you want?"

Mr. Griffith managed to stop my cursing problem—in his class, at least—about halfway through the year. It hadn't taken a lot. Mainly just threats to call Mom or Dad, and threats of detention, and threats to place a food ban—with, apparently, candy included—in the classroom.

Obviously, that last one is what did me in.

"Cutting it close there, Cass," Mr. Griffith says to me, standing up from behind his desk and moving closer to where Aaron and I sit. Some heads turn towards me, but most remain down on their desks. Most people in my classes have gotten used to my... outbursts, we'll call them. "What seems to be today's problem with Mr. Brewer?"

Before you lose your mind, nothing's wrong. Aaron and I are still together, and we're completely fine. It's just that he's just as annoying now as he was when we first met, maybe slightly less overall. But still annoying.

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