Chapter 6

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Three days later.

"Hey people ! Did you hear the latest news? College fest is going  to kick off next weekend".Abhiram told Rithika and Tanusha. 

Dr Shareef was on leave that day.

Abhiram had checked on his patients by 8: 30 am .Only two patients  were there in the ER and their condition was stable. The nurse incharge of the ER had completed the paper work for shifting the patients to wards- one to female medical ward and the other one to male ortho ward. Dr shareef always insisted to shift the patients to wards as soon as they were stabilised because the ER has to be always ready  for any mass casualty. And he wouldn't tolerate having well stabilised patients in the ER just because the  staff in the wards could relax.

"Oh yes! we know that. We are planning to take part in maximum number of competitions possible.We interns are going to win the  cup", said Tanusha punching her fist in the air. Tarak who was sitting next to her gave her a high five.

"How can you guys be so sure? The third year students are champions in cricket & volleyball. and there are post graduates" Abhiram said with a smile. He looked smug.

"Ram, Are you going to participate in dance or singing competition? Ritika asked him . She had seen him dance on a couple of occasions during their childhood and knew that he was a reasonably good dancer.

Abhiram's phone started vibrating . 

" Yeah why not ? I shall participate in whatever events possible .I shall sing and dance"

He didn't notice that he had answered the phone call and Rupa ,his girl friend was on the other end." 

"Hello, Abhi, Hellooo, you there?"

Suddenly he realised that he had a call and put his phone to his ears. He heard Rupa's voice.

" Who are you going to dance with Abhi? I didn't know you could dance."

"Hello Rupa !" He replied as he walked out of the doctors' room.

 "I was talking about the college fest. I'm going to participate in dance competition. Will you be my dance partner? We could dance to some really hot number you know. "

" Abhi ,I wish I could, but I can't dance for nuts". Rupa said with disappointment in her voice.

"Oh OK .Then I shall ask somebody else. It's been a long time since I participated in a dance  competition".He told her.

"Are you planning to dance with some other girl Abhi?" She asked ,her voice wary.

 Rupa was averse to the idea. She infact hated to even think about it. Abhiram was an attractive person with an endearing personality. And he had his fair share of admirers in his undergraduate days also. Rupa had started feeling insecure in the relationship though she was not willing to acknowledge it.

Abhiram was really put off by her possessiveness .He was okay with it initially but of late he felt that she was being too clingy, something that he detested in a relationship. He always respected his space. 

"I really hate it when you do this dear. No,I shall not dance with another girl if you aren't comfortable,but I don't mind if you talk to or dance with another boy . Why are girls like this? A relation requires trust Rupa- not love,not attraction but trust -T.R.U.S.T and you seem to be lacking that." He tried to keep his voice low though he wanted to shout out the last words and was beginning to lose his cool.

Rupa couldn't help notice the hint of displeasure in his voice. And she wanted to talk to him directly. 

" Abhi, I shall meet you in ten minutes."She told  him and cut the call. She had finished her work in the OT( Operation theatre) and decided to go to the ER to meet Abhiram. Rupa was stopped by her Associate professor as she came out of her changing room. 

"Rupa, Come we shall have coffee in the canteen."

 Oh my god ,Now what's he upto?Didnt he find any one else to flirt with today,she cringed. Her Associate professor had a very nasty reputation in the college. He was married and a pervert. 

" Sir, I have to go ..errr my friend is waiting and we need to go to the bank. Sorry Sir."Rupa tried to mask the instinctive dislike that she felt for him and told.And she ran from there


Rupa entered the doctors' room in the ER and spotted Abhiram engaged in a conversation with the interns and Ritika was laughing at something Abhiram told. 

"Err, I need to talk to him personally ,can you please give us a moment alone? Rupa told the interns and looked scornfully at Ritika.The interns immediately left the room. 

"I can see signs of a strained relationship on Abhiram sir's face". Tarak told Ritika and Tanusha.

"Ssssh, keep quiet. Don't be so judgemental. Every relationship has ups and downs. And what do you know about relationships?"Tanusha told Tarak.

Ritika was quiet. A phone started ringing in the doctors' room. Ritika had left her mobile there. So,she sprinted towards the room but suddenly stopped at the door. She saw something and was too shocked for words.


What did Ritika see ? Why was she shocked?...

hello friends ! how was today's chapter? will update the next chapter pretty soon!

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