Chapter 14

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Apart from Darcy's pause on the road, they arrived in London with no other incident. Mr Darcy invited them all to stay at his townhouse.

He saw a face at the window. As soon as he looked up, the face disappeared. Darcy saw it again coming down the stairs, covered in a large smile.

"Brother dear!" cried Georgiana. She looked as if she wanted to leap into his arms but then saw Miss Bingley and Mr and Mrs Hurst behind her and restrained herself.

"It is nice to see you all," said Georgiana shyly. "What brings you here?"

"Many things, Georgiana," replied her brother. "Would you go and arrange rooms for our guests, please?" He smiled at her.

"Oh, yes, of course." Georgiana quickly left to find the housekeeper.

Darcy turned his attention to the manservant unloading the large amount of luggage his guests had brought with them.


Darcy began to regret his invitation when he saw Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst whispering to each other and pointing out various rooms and discussing them. When they weren't discussing his house from top to bottom, they were constantly praising it to the skies.

He saw Miss Bingley closely scrutinizing the drapes in the drawing room when he approached her. Does she look upon this house as her own, or does she see a fault in them?

"Miss Bingley."

The lady in question jumped up and turned to face him. "Where is Bingley staying in London?

After a moments recollection, Miss Bingley told him. Darcy thanked her and said that he would go there to fetch Mr Bingley and bring him to stay at his townhouse.


Darcy found Bingley in his room at the Mayfair. A few minutes was all it took to invite his friend to leave and stay with his friends and family. Ten minutes later found the two in the carriage on their way home.

"So what brings you to London, Darcy?" asked his friend. "Is there something amiss with Netherfield? I expected to return to Hertfodshire in three days."

"No, no there is nothing the matter with Netherfield."

"Then what brings you here?"

The carriage rolled to a stop at it's destination and Darcy was spared from bringing up the topic of Bingley's marriage plans at the wrong time. He ordered the servants to bring the luggage to the rooms prepared.

They could hear murmurs of conversation from the drawing room. The two friends entered and Darcy went to his sister's side. Georgiana looked to see who their new visitor was and smiled.


Bingley kissed her hand and greeted her like the old friend she was. Darcy failed to notice the pleased look on Miss Bingley's face when she watched her brother and Georgiana.

A topic of conversation was introduced that went on for some minutes but Darcy knew he could not put off his talk with Bingley any longer.

He took a deep breath before he took the plunge of doing something that will hurt his friend badly, but would hopefully be for the best.

"Bingley, I need to speak to you on a matter of urgency. Will you join me in the library?"

His friend looked confused, but followed Darcy. He opened the door to let Bingley through. He looked back and gave a nod to Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst who were watching from the shadows.

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