Chapter 43

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It was the end of summer, and autumn would soon be approaching. Darcy took his time on the road, there was no hurry and the weather was fine. He sent word of his coming, and hopefully the letter to Georgiana would reach Pemberley a day or so before him.

Unlike his earlier arrival, Georgiana and the Bingleys were waiting outside to greet him. Georgiana glided down the steps of the house and embraced her brother, taking no notice of the people around her.

"I hope you took good care of our guests in my absence?" asked Darcy.

"I believe I did. Charles is so much more happier than last winter and has been very good company while you were away." She took his hand and led him to join the others.

"Darcy, I hope you have returned for good this time," greeted Bingley. "You have been flying all over the country lately, is it time for you to settle down?"

"Yes, I have no more plans for the next few months," responded he. "Peace and quiet are all I desire."

Bingley seemed more jovial, like the man he had been before leaving Jane. Darcy hoped this was a good sign of his friend's growing independence.

Miss Bingley and her sister were standing off to one side. Miss Bingley had a worried expression on her face, but she greeted him cordially enough.

"How good it is that you have returned to us," she simpered. "We have been quite desolate without our gracious host."

"Come now, brother, we must not keep you standing outside. Shall we go in?" asked Georgiana.

They all took her advice and followed her into the house.


After diner, Darcy and Bingley retired to the study to talk. Darcy was interested to see what new developments his friend had undergone. Already he seemed more confident of himself.

After speaking of more trivial things, Bingley suddenly made an offer.

"I have been thinking, Darcy, of returning to Netherfield." Before Darcy could say anything to this, he hurried on. "The shooting season is coming and the game around Netherfield is very abundant. Would you like to join me? I have asked my sisters, but they are still thinking if they will come."

Darcy froze at his friend's invitation. Should I go? Run the risk of meeting Elizabeth again? After what Mr and Mrs Gardiner told me, is it right for me to go?

"Come Darcy, it would be better if I had company."

There was something in his friend's voice that made Darcy look up. He looked at Bingley, and sensed that though hunting was part of his desire to return to Netherfield, it certainly was not the main reason.

He was grateful to know that Bingley had made this decision himself. Darcy had been prepared to convince Bingley to go to Netherfield, but if he had already chosen to do so, it made things even better.

But should he go with him?

Though Bingley did not say it out loud, it was obvious he did really want his friend's company.

With a sudden decision, Darcy voiced his acceptance.

"Good, good, excellent! We shall be quite a merry party. I wonder how all our friends in Hertfodshire are? What changes have happened?" He continued in this manner for some time.

Darcy told himself he was going to Netherfield to see if Jane Bennet still returned his friend's love. If she did, he would confess his deception to Bingley, and do his utmost to see his friend married to her.

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