Chapter 52

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Colonel Fitzwilliam arrived at Darcy's townhouse just as the latter gentleman had finished his lunch. The servant announced the Colonel's presence to him and Darcy came out to the hall to observe his cousin, dressed in civilian clothing, directing the servants to bring his belongings inside. His crisp, military-like activity came to a halt when Darcy arrived, and changed to a more informal greeting.

"Darcy, how are you?" he asked, giving him a piercing look. Darcy smiled at him which somewhat alleviated his cousin's glance.

"Very well, thank you. I am glad you have come, my time here has been, so far, most monotonous."

"I am sure we can change that. Shall we go inside?"

They did, Darcy doing his best to remain casual and appear relaxed to Colonel Fitzwilliam.


Darcy was surprised when Fitzwilliam kept to lighthearted subjects for most of the afternoon, relating tales of the antics of the officers. It was not until the two were playing a game of pool that the Colonel began the subject Darcy had known to be coming for some time.

"What are you doing in London, Darcy?" he asked, while Darcy began to take his shot. "Why are you not in Hertfordshire, near Miss Bennet? I'm sure her company is much more appealing than mine."

Darcy pretended to concentrate on the ball. He hit it into the pocket, then slowly turned to his cousin, deciding to be absolutely frank and true to whatever Fitzwilliam asked.

"Bingley has decided to renew his attentions to the eldest Miss Bennet. I believed that an engagement would soon be approaching, and so I left in order to give him the privacy he undoubtedly needs for such a venture."

"Would I be wrong to assume that you had a hand in that?"

"Not quite. I confessed my deception to him the morning of my departure. He took it well - too well for my liking. I feel I deserve his resentment yet it seems that he will forgive me utterly."

Colonel Fitzwilliam stood up to take his turn. "And rightly so. You did not deceive him out of malice - you were merely mistaken. But you are avoiding telling me about Miss Elizabeth Bennet. You know perfectly well it is she I wish to talk about."

Darcy made no answer. His cousin hit the ball but did not look where it went, concentrating instead on Darcy.

"Have you seen her? Was she not at Pemberley?"

"Yes, she was."

"And? What happened? Has she forgiven you?"

Darcy sighed. "I do not know how things stand between us now. I believe that she no longer hates me, but I don't know what she thinks about me now."

"Oh? Why?"

"Conflicting matters that make me wonder what opinion she has of me now. For example, I ran into her on my grounds, after I had had a swim in the lake. What opinion do you think she would have formed of me, when I suddenly appeared less formally attired than usual and soaked to the skin?"

His cousin laughed out aloud at this and at Darcy's woeful look. "I can't imagine, though it must have been somewhat of a shock. What else?"

"Georgiana and I invited her and her aunt and uncle to dine at Pemberley the next evening. She sang for the company and . . ." He trailed off, a dreamy look on his face as he remembered the occasion. He returned to the present when he heard his cousin laughing again.

"I will not ask why you look as if you are reliving a fond memory. If that is the effect she has on you, perhaps the next time I see her I will ask her to perform for me!"

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