Chapter 53

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The two cousins were quietly eating breakfast when the mail came. Darcy looked at the one letter that boasted a very familiar seal. He immediately took the letter with an expression of thanks to the butler and opened it.

"Who is that from?" asked Colonel Fitzwilliam curiously.

"Bingley. I am predicting it holds the news that I have been hoping for some time," replied Darcy, his eyes devouring the rather short missive. Working his way through the blots and half-illegible writing, Darcy read it aloud.

My dear friend,

Wonderful news indeed! My beloved Jane has consented to be my wife. We have been engaged for several days and I beg for your forgiveness in being so lax in writing to you with this news. I have been too happy to write.

I could not be more content. I visit the Bennet family everyday and on the rare occasion when I cannot spend time with Jane I speak to my sister-to-be, Elizabeth. Mrs. Bennet is ecstatic with joy and Mr. Bennet shares her happiness, though perhaps less vocally.

My own happiness will be complete when you come back to Netherfield. The wedding is to take place in December and I sincerely hope you will stand up for me as groomsman.

There is one thing I am at a loss at, though. How shall I break the news to my sisters? You cannot imagine how many letters I have begun to write to them and discarded. I know they will not approve of my engagement but whatever their feelings, I will not give up Jane. Caroline and Louisa will have to bite their tongues and accept my dearest Jane as their sister.

I must conclude, for I now leave for Longbourn.

Yours, etc.

"That is wonderful news indeed!" exclaimed Colonel Fitzwilliam. "From what I have heard, I believe Bingley and Miss Bennet will be a fine example of matrimony."

"You are not far wrong in your estimation," replied Darcy, putting down the letter. "There couldn't be another woman in the world so perfect for Bingley. She is of a sweet disposition and as beautiful as an angel."

"Though I am sure the sister is, to you, a goddess," laughed Fitzwilliam.

Darcy smiled but did not protest at his cousin's words. He stood up to leave, but his cousin stopped him. His usually jovial face was serious.

"I think I must confess something to you, Darcy," said he.

Darcy sat down again. "What is it?"

Richard Fitzwilliam sighed and looked away. "I have just realised, that perhaps what we spoke of last night was not entirely your fault."

Darcy frowned, not understanding. The Colonel continued.

"Seeing you felt a great affection for Miss Bennet, perhaps I was purposely attentive to her. I will admit that I enjoyed your envy - it is rare indeed when I find myself at an advantage over you but I would never continue with such an activity if I knew I was causing you pain. I was not sure just how strong your feelings were at that point and so I perhaps prolonged my attentions to Miss Bennet for too long."

At Darcy's look, Fitzwilliam said, "I apologise, Darcy. It was very wrong of me to play with your emotions in such a base manner. Will you forgive me?"

Darcy stared at his cousin for some time. He willed himself to be angry at his cousin, but the anger did not come. Instead, he smiled. "I do. But do it again and I will punish you," he said in mock-severity.

Fitzwilliam smiled with relief and extended his hand. Darcy shook it then rose to leave. "I hold no crime against you. We are but fallible mortals and Miss Bennet is the most attractive woman in the world. But, now I must leave."

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