Chapter 18: Family Affairs ✔

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Linda Pov

"Our marriage was considered a business proposition at the time. Without realizing it, I fell in love with this beautiful woman over the years" he says as he interlocked our hands together under the tables.

"I knew this wasn't no marriage" Andrew's grandmother Martha ruins the wonderful moment.

"It is now" Andrew gritted through his teeth.

"I think we should set a wedding date" he turns around to face me.

Then he leans in a little more.

"That why I didn't want to make love to you. When you tried too. I don't want you to give yourself to me just because my ex throws herself to me on 3 something in the morning. I want it to be special, sweetheart" he whispers only to me on my left ear.

I felt a shiver run down my body.

Oh god, what did I do to deserve this man that you've blessed me with.

I felt a few tears trail on my cheeks.

He pecks the tip of my ear. Then he goes on further down my neck.

"Andrew, stop" I pulled away from him.

He must've forgotten that we were still in the dining table with his family.

"Yes Andrew, do stop were trying to eat breakfast here" Sarah says and gagged a little.

"Oh, keep on."Jennifer seemed more than pleased by our public affection.

"I-I just want everyone to be inform about us before we decide to get marry in a church." he clears his throat and apologizes for the PDA.

"I rather have you as my sister in law than Emma." Jennifer spoke as grandma Martha shot deathly glares at her which completely ignored.

"I think y'all should." Sarah agrees with her sister.

Everyone at the table agreed along Andrew's statement.

"Heck yea!" Ethan and Jason responded in unison without hesitation.

"She's a great girl, of course! Go for it." grandpa Paul encourages.

"Well, you're twenty-five years of age. It's about time that you've settled down." Andrew's father, Chad says.

"Welcome to the family!" Andrew's mom beamed responding at last.

We heard grandma, Martha mumble something under her breath in disagreement.

"Don't worry, she will come around." grandpa Paul tells everyone.

"Oh lighten up, Martha." he pats her on the shoulder.

"What about my--" I began to speak.

" I already told her about this before we left home to come here. She was the first person I called when I thought about this, you know. Marrying you and all." my husband read my mind.

After we were done eating, we all gathered to the theater room.

To watch an inspiring christian or in general a classic movie by Alex Kendrick.

The whole family decided that we will all go out to eat after the movie ends.

Andrew and I chose our sit as we heard the trailer began to play Psalm 139:16 - You saw me before I was born.

October Baby 'Every life is beautiful' I snuggled in with my husband as the movie started.


A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter more is coming VOTE and COMMENT to keep the story going!!


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