Chapter 36: Old Pieces

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Hi, lovelies! Hope that you are all doing well. I've read all the comments on the last chapter. As much as I don't want to give y'all a spoil alert. I can assure that Andrew will not cheat on this story, here's why. Before I became a wattpad writer. I did read stories, and one things that I've noticed. Some of the stories that I can across had one thing in common. They had the same plot. Someone cheats on the relationship. I know that cheating can be reason why that cause a relationship or marriage to crumble but there's many other reasons that can break a relationship. That why I will not be doing that. I will be honest that I did think about making Andrew a cheater, at first. Its very challenging to be a writer. You want the audience to like the stories. And of course, many other reasons. Every writer is different however ways they decide to write their stories it should be for their own reasons. Because they're are the ones that holds the pen. Lol, I will stop rambling now. But I want my story to be different or at the very least be based on what people actually go through in real life, you know and take something out of this. A lesson of such sorts. So, my loves put your hearts at ease. Because this story will NOT be cheating scandal kinda story. (I apologize in advance for any grammar errors) Okay, carry on!

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** Andrew Pov **

I zoomed off the streets. With not a care to where I was headed. I just had to get away and cool off. My phone rings.

I knew who it was. My wife.

My hands gripped on the steering wheel, tightly.

I can't go back, now. I needed space.

If I did..I know that I will say things that will ruin our marriage even more, or we'll both say somethings that we will regret.

After hours of driving through the road, I navigated the car to a near hotel that caught my attention. Check in. Open my room for tonight. Sat on the edge off the bed. Everything clashed back in my thoughts.

Today was like a nightmare that I didn't want to replay.

"what have I done" I stood up walked around the room, unawarely.

Flashbacks and flashbacks plays repeatedly in my mind.

Out of rage, I slammed the closests things that my hands came contact with. The room was now filled with shattered glass.

I chose to head back home. But before going back. I made a quick stop in the liquor store. To take off the stress that's has stored up from my body in months from work and the difficultly of conceiving a child. It's not the wisest thing to drown myself in alcohol but I don't want to feel the way I'm feeling now. It's sucks and hurts so much that I'm in the brink of losing everything and don't have a clue on how to fix it.

On top of it all, I took it out one the least person who deserved my wrath.

I walked back to my car. Press on the vehicle engine to return to home. I hope that we can somehow be on good terms and minutes after, I was there.

The house was quiet.

I search and search. She was not there.

Did she leave? I smirked.

Heck, I would not be in shock if she did leave.. I'm too blame for my foolish actions.

The closet still contain her clothes. Suddenly, I had a idea to where she could've went.

** Linda Pov **

After settling in at my bestfriend, jackie home. I decided to take a quick shower. My mind reflects back on Andrew, again.

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