Chapter 28: Souvenirs ✔️

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Andrew Pov

"This is going to be harder than I thought." I glimpsed at my sleepy wife. After that incident on my friend benoit Auguste wine house. I haven't touched her at all. Not just for a day, but for weeks. Yes, I do love her and respect her decision to wait although we've already become one flesh. And whenever I attempt to bring up the topic she find ways to distract me by talking about something else.

What are you doing to me, Linda.

I sighed deeply and pushed back the strand of hair that hid her beautiful face. I'm still having trouble maintaining control of this situation.

It's like getting a taste of heaven and having it snatched away after receiving it.

It's pretty frustrating just thinking about it. But willing to wait as long as she wants me too.

"Mmhhm.." she smiled warmly as she stretched her limps. "Are you wake already, Andrew?"

"Yes, sweetheart," I reply as I leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose.

"Why?" she asked sheepishly and began to giggle softly as felt my lips in her skin.

I smirked. She really does know why?

Let's just say that the morning wood is not a myth. But I didn't know if I should share that information just yet. Something tells me that she's not ready.

I sighed.

"Just thinking. Go back to sleep." I kissed her cheek and glanced at the nightstand, catching up to what time it was.

Eight in the morning already?

Time to get up.

I left the bed to take a shower. Once I was through, I return to our room to find her awaken.

She was also now preparing to shower wearing a towel that's well secured around her body.

"I, um, going to make breakfast." I let her have some privacy knowing her I know she would want that.

"Okay." she replied but kept her eyed the floor and only that.

Man, there's so much tension between that neither of us has brought up. It scary to see how it'll unfold.

I sighed and walked downstairs to make breakfast. Putting two bowls of granola with two sliced pair of strawberries then fried the bacon and the sausages on the oven.

Once they were cooked, I added the celery on top for decoration grabbed a box of croissants pours it into a large plate.

Then finished it off with orange, coffee, and milk on the side.

Yea, I cooked the whole meal for her.

"Smells wonderful!" says my wife as she took a sit next to me.

She dressed in a v-neck purple shirt with dark denim jeans. We bowed our head to say Grace then began to eat.

"What you wanna do today?" she asked.

A lot of things.

Mainly everything and anything that includes you.

"We can go places."

Go places? That didn't even make any sense.

"Shop and eat. Whatever you have in mind." I was distracted by the small piece of strawberry that hung on her bottom lip.

Control, Andrew.

The strawberry juices stained on her lip giving it a pink rosy color.


She gazed at me blankly, " What's wrong, Andrew?


I showed her exactly what I was thinking about by locking my lips with hers. To which she reacted swiftly. I placed her on my lap without breaking the kiss.

"You have no idea how much I want--" I increased the kiss wanting more of her.

She gasped, needing air. Her hands half clinging on to me as she trembled. "Andre--"

"Yes," I said raspily as I drove my hand under her shirt.

"Um, I think we should stop." she removes herself from me.

"You're killing me here, Linda." I groaned.

"How about we go out as you suggested. Then do that later." she gulped.

To do this later?

Yea, right.

"You've said that before." I grabbed my keys and took off without uttering another word. "Nevermind, let's just go."

She nods and follows me quietly to the car as look for places to go in the city of love.

Because we will be leaving paris in a few days, there was still more places we needed to see before leaving.

"Can we go here." my wife finally spoke after been silent during the entire car ride trip.

"Sure." I parked at the entrance.

"I'm sorry about earlier." she breaks into tears.

"It's alright, I'm the one who should be sorry." I wiped her tears.

"No, it's all my fault. I haven't been a good wife. And--" she sniffed.

"We'll talk about this, later. Okay, Linda Henderson?" I kissed her forehead.

She agreed. "Okay."

We enter a placed that appears to be a mall with many famous brand name on each boutiques and we purchased items that will help decorate our home. Well at least I did. Because she ran straight to the woman store and left me fed for myself. But after spending hours that felt like a decades. I decided that we get something to eat before heading back home.

"Bon appétit." The waitress arrived with our meals.

"Merci (thank you)" I said my wife did the same. We prayed for the food then dug in.

"Taste this, sweetheart." I cut a piece and fed it to her. It was meat that I was not familiar with but I had a good taste to it.

"Mmm!" she held a thumbs up while kept chewing.

"Taste really good." she finally says. When we were done, the waitress returns with the bill.

"Merci." I paid for our meals. Soon after we head home. I helped my wife carried our bags while unloaded more out of the car.

As I looked for the available space something from the top of my head. The clothing scattered on the floor, nightgowns, and rare new lingeries that I have never seen her wear.

When did she buy this? I looked closely and read the taps on both cards.

Sarah? Jennifer?

Of course. It had to be them. There was one more item left on jennifer's bag.

I smirked. How did my crazy sisters manage to persuade my innocent wife to keep this item? I placed it in my pocket left the closet room went back to the room and found Linda already there.

"Are you ready to talk?" she asked.

Oh, there's a lot I want to talk about. But right now, talking was the last thing on my mind.

"Sweetheart. Look what I've found. " I revealed what I have hidden in my pocket earlier.

Spontaneous sisters honeymoon gifts for my wife and I.



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