Chapter 37: "One of a kind."

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-Ava's POV-

I'm not sure how long I laid awake crying that night.

As soon as I had my head laid down on the pillow and Harry's arm went around my waist, the tears started flowing.

Tears for what I'd lost, tears for what I'll never have, and tears for what Harry is willing to give up for me.

The comfort he gives me is still so unusual for me. I don't know if I'll ever be used to someone really being there for me, not like he is.

As soon as he heard my sniffling, he turned me around in his arms, placing gentle kisses whenever his lips could reach. His words of love and assurance that I wasn't alone were whispered in my ear over and over again as his hand softly ran up and down my arm.

Time was lost on me as I laid in his arms, his efforts to comfort me never ceasing before I finally fell asleep.

"Mornin." A raspy deep voice sounds in my ear as my body is tugged even closer to him.

I smile against his chest as I greedily soak up more of his warmth. "Morning."

I feel a kiss placed on my forehead as a hand runs slowly through my hair. "This is a first, waking up with you still in bed. I quite fancy it."

"Me too." I agree quietly.

"You alright?"

My cheeks flush as his question, feeling a bit embarrassed at how emotional I was last night. "I will be. I hate getting so emotional."

"It's okay to be upset and cry Av. Especially in front of me."

"I know. Thank you for being here for me."

"Always love." He presses another kiss to my head. "Now what shall we do today?"

I glance over his shoulder at the clock and groan. "I really need to work today."

"Rubbish. Stay with me."

"I wish.... But I need to go over the receipts for the event. And being I wasn't even there for most of it, I really should take care of at least that."

"All day?"

"Mmmmm I could maybe be done early afternoon. If I leave now and don't leave for lunch."

I sit up, Harry giving off a little huff as I do so. "Fine, but once you're done, you're mine for the rest of the day. And night."

"Agreed." I nod.

I manage to escape Harry's grabby hands and get up, stretching and yawning once I'm on my feet.

I stop and glance over my shoulder when I hear Harry chuckling behind me, "Whats so funny?"

"Your yawns, they sound like baby dinosaur noises." He grins.

"You're so weird! And they do not!" I toss a pillow at his face.

"They do."

"So you're an expert on dinosaur noises now Styles?"

"I'm an expert in everything McCain."

"Suuuuure." I head towards the bathroom.

"I'm packing your lunch!" He calls after me. "No peanut butter sandwich!"

"Good luck with that!" I reply, knowing our kitchen is basically devoid of food.

Twenty minutes later, after throwing on minimal makeup, my hair into a bun, and a baby blue white polka dot sundress on, I'm jogging down the stairs.

I grab my sunglasses and bag before heading into the kitchen, finding a site that makes the blood rush to my head.

Harry leaning against my counter in just his boxers and a dimpled smirk on his face. I resist the urge not to just jump on top of him, knowing I'd never make it to the office if I did.

He holds out a brown paper bag to me and I raise an eyebrow in response. "If there's a granola bar and a protein shake in here, I'm going to be highly disappointed."

"Yes, cause such things could be found in this house." He sarcastically replies, "It was hard to find anything other than ding dongs and Nutella."

I hesitantly take the bag from him, holding it out in front of me.

"It's not going to bite." He laughs at me, grabbing my hips and pulling me towards him. "Now kiss me and push on so you can come back."

I look up at him with a smile as he presses a soft kiss to my lips, molding his to mine perfectly.

His fingers push into my skin as he deepens the kiss, making my heart race.

"I should go." I mumble against his lips, pressing against his chest to gain some unwanted but needed space between us.

He groans, letting go of his grip on me. "Make quick work of it and get your arse back here."

"So bossy." I shake my head at him, "But I still love you."

"Love you too."

He gives me one more quick peck before I head towards the garage door.

"Hey Ava!" He yells, "Next time I see you, we're going to snog for a very long time."

"I'll hold you to that!" I yell back, letting the door close behind me.

Thankfully my day is busy enough it goes by rather quickly. Going through all the receipts is tedious work but well worth it when I see how well the benefit did this year.

Jenna was a massive help, basically running it for me when I abruptly left. I really couldn't of asked for a better assistant. I know she could easily take over for me for a few days if I decided to get away, and I hope to take advantage of that as soon as possible.

By noon we have the majority of everything done for the day, and I literally can't wait to get back to Harry.

I glance over at the brown bag he packed for me, deciding to take the risk and see what he found in my kitchen that he deemed a suitable lunch.

I pull open the top, sticking my hand inside and pulling out the first item.

I laugh when I pull out a red apple. Harry obviously didn't realize it's fake, along with all the other fruit in the bowl that sits on my bar. I smile at the sticky note that's stuck to it. 'Cause I want you healthy."

Next my hand finds a sandwich. Not peanut butter of course, but turkey, bacon, and avocado. Three things I had no idea where in my fridge, meaning they most certainly belonged to Finn. I pull off the sticky note on it with a smile, 'Cause I want you to taste real food.'

After that I pull out a bottle of water with yet another sticky note attached 'Cause I want you hydrated.' with a small asterisk 'you'll need the energy ;)'

The last thing brings a satisfied grin to my face. One of my beloved ding dongs with a note that says 'Cause I want you happy.'

"What are you giggling about in here?" Jenna taps on my door, walking over and looking at the food spread across my desk.

"Wow, can I order a Harry Styles please?" She laughs, oohing and awing over the various notes.

"I'm afraid he is most defiantly one of a kind." I smile as my cheeks flush, my excitement of seeing him soon doubling every time he crosses my mind.


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All of Me (Harry Styles) - Book 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin