Chapter 52: "It's like..."

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-Ava's POV-

"Av, you ready?" Harry asks as I check myself one last time in the mirror.

I decided not to really dress up this evening since we were just going to a small restaurant, but I still decided to go with a dress. It's short and creamed colored, and it paired nicely with black tights, a tan cardigan, and heels. I let my hair fall in loose waves over my shoulders and added a little color to my cheeks and eyes before I was satisfied with my overall look. I nod at myself in the mirror, not to casual, but simple and pretty.

"You look beautiful." Harry's voice sounds quietly next to my ear as his hands wrap around my waist from behind.

I glance at him in the mirror as he looks over my shoulder, his green eyes finding mine. I'm beautiful? Harry is the very definition of the word, inside and out. He is so caring, not just with his family and friends, but with millions of fans he doesn't even know. Stopping to talk to them and take pictures with them constantly, no matter how often. And then there's how he's cared for me. Even when we had just first met, he was already concerned about me. I spent months pushing him away as he tried to help me, to understand me, to love me. If I could go back in time, I would slap some sense into the Ava of a year and a half ago, telling her to let him in. Because no one would ever love her like he does. I know it. He's proved it over and over again. He never gave up on me, even when I'd given up on myself.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asks, kissing the back of my head.

"You." I answer truthfully, "I really do love you."

He smiles, his dimples making a welcome appearance as he brushes the hair off my shoulder and brings his lips to my ear. "I love you too."

He kisses my neck and my eyes instantly close, loving the feel of his breath on my neck and his lips on my skin. My skin still tingles from his every touch, whether it be from him simply holding my hand to his fingers skimming across my skin in a heated moment of passion.

Passion is something I never experienced with Scott. As I look back, everything with him seemed so forced, so empty. But with Harry... I literally feel like he's made me come alive. Because of him I feel things I've never felt before and see the world so differently. Because of him, I'm happy.

"Saying I love you doesn't really feel like enough, does it? Not with us... It's like when we are laying in bed, in silence. There's no words at all, just the sound of us breathing. And it's like the best conversation I've ever had." I blush, knowing how I must sound. "I sound ridiculous don't I?"

"No, exactly the opposite in fact." Harry turns me around, placing his hands on my cheeks. "I think... it's like how forever always seemed like a very long time, til I wanted to spend it with you."

I smile, completely aware my heart is melting right onto the floor as he pulls my face towards his and kisses me. His lips move against mine slowly, telling me everything words cannot. I lean into him as he deepens the kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth. It's amazing how I seem to forget each time just how great of a kisser he is, how he can make me weak in the knees so easily with his talented tongue.

I feel my body temperature heat up at the thought. It's only been a few days since we've been together, but I literally ache for him.

"You alright?" Harry's lips separate slightly from mine and turn up into a smirk.

"Yeah." I attempt to sound casual as I try to slow my breathing. I hadn't even noticed I was practically panting.

He chuckles as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, "I know the feeling love. Not being able to have you is driving me mad."

I suck in a breath at his words, his deep voice and accent making them sound much more sensual then they should.

"Have you two gotten enough snogging in, or should I let mum and Robin know you'll be a bit?" Gemma asks, appearing in the doorway.

"We're coming." I answer her.

"I wish." Harry whispers in my ear.

I give him a playful shove as Gemma raises her eyebrows. "Let's push on then, I'm starving!"

We follow her downstairs, Harry constantly trying to grab my bum in the process. I swat his hands away, trying not to laugh as we step outside.

The drive to the restaurant goes by quickly, Harry and Gemma bickering back and forth between themselves as Anne informs me of the best places to eat in Holmes Chapel.

The restaurant is small but very intimate, and the food is delicious. A few people ask Harry for a picture or an autograph, but most leave him be as we eat our meal.

I love how easy it is to talk with Harry's family. They are all so down to earth and kind, I wonder what it must have been like to grow up in a household so different from my own. A father who wants whats best for you instead of what's best for him, and a mother who is always showing affection instead of dissatisfaction. A home full of love and support.

"Did you enjoy your dinner love?" Anne asks me.

"Yes, very much." I smile at her as Harry drapes his arm over the back of my chair.

"Well shall we go?" Robin asks, dropping his napkin on the table.

I move to stand up with the rest of them, but Harry's hand on my arm stops me, "Let's walk back yeah?"

"Alright." I nod, taking note of how nervous his tone is.

We bid goodbye to everyone outside of the restaurant, Harry taking my hand and leading me down the street.

The lights make everything seem slightly hazy in the chilly air, and I lean into Harry, greedily soaking in some of his warmth. His hand squeezes mine before moving around my shoulders, pulling me into him tightly.

When we get to a clearing between a few buildings, Harry turns and leads me in between them and through a field.

"Are you taking me into the woods to kill me?" I joke, seeing a line of trees stretching out before us.

"Yessss. Now, be quiet and don't scream." Harry chuckles, pressing a kiss to the side of my head.

He stops us next to one of the larger trees, and turns to look at me. "I came here often... as a kid. Was one of my favorite spots. Still is."

"It's beautiful." I look out over the field, towards the town and it's soft lights glowing in the distance.

"I have something..." He reaches into his pocket, "I've wanted to give it to you for ages now."

He holds his hand out to me and in it is a small box. Its silver and worn, obviously very old. I look up to his face with my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He bites his bottom lip as he takes in my reaction.

I take the box from him, it seeming much larger in my small hands. I glance into his eyes before I pop the top open, finding two keys sitting on top of a piece of paper.

"They're to my flats, here in England and in L.A." He says quickly, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck nervously.

I smile at him, my heart warming at the thought he wants to me have keys to his homes. I pick up the small piece of paper, seeing there's another underneath it. I take the first one and open it up, seeing a few words scribbled across the paper...

Move in with me?

My eyes widen and shoot up to meet Harry's. A small smile plays on his gorgeous face as I try to open my mouth and speak. It's like when we first met.. I've lost all ability to form even the simplest of words. He looks at me expectantly, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

"Y-Yes!" I finally manage to blurt out, bringing a dimpled smile to Harry's face.

He breaths a sigh of relief, rubbing his thumb on my cheek before giving me a soft kiss.

"Now the next bit is something I just added. " His voice is shakey as he takes the keys and note from me, urging me to open the next piece of paper.

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All of Me (Harry Styles) - Book 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt