Chapter 45: Five Shots and a Show

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-Harry's POV-

"I knew." Louie nods, leaning against the car next to me.

"No, you didn't."

"I did."

"Louie, you can't keep your mouth shut about anything. You didn't know."

"Did so." He huffs.

I roll my eyes at him and glance up, my jaw dropping when I catch site of Ava. Bloody hell she's fucking fit.

And mine, I smirk to myself as I go over in my mind exactly how I plan to remove the dress that's hugging her curves perfectly.

As she walks up to me, my eyes linger down her torso, following the line of her plunging neckline.

Her cheeks are flushed red when she reaches me, and I don't waste any time in placing my hands on her waist and pulling her hips against mine roughly.

"Shit Av, what're you trying to do to me?" I breath out, running my fingers along the cutouts in the sides of her dress.

"Thought you would like it." She smirks at me, resting her hands on my chest.

"Ten minutes."

"What?" She furrows her eyebrows at me.

"We're there ten minutes... then we're leaving."

"I like how you think Styles." She grins at me, making my heart nearly leap out of my chest. This woman really has no idea how much I love her.

"You guys ready?" El asks, pulling my attention.

"Yeah, let's go." Ava answers, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the backseat behind her.

My arm finds its way around Ava's waist, pulling her towards me. Between her exposed skin and the way she smells, I have to constantly remind myself we aren't alone and I can't just lay her back on the seat like I would fancy to.

The camera lights are already flashing as we pull up to the club and Ava's hand squeezes mine anxiously.

"No worries love." I press a kiss to her temple. "I've got you."

She gives me a nervous smile as I step out of the car, immediately extending my hand for her to take.

Her small hand finds mine, and I enclose it in mine tightly, not wanting to lose her in the crowd.

The flashes are relentless as I move Ava in front of me, following closely behind Louie and El.

"How's the love life Harry?"

"Can we get a picture?"

"Come on, just one picture!"

Security moves us past them easily, but the club inside isn't any less crowded. I can feel the beat of the music under my feet as we look around for the other lads.

"There's Zayn!" Louie's yells back to us, pointing towards the balcony.

I nod at him to lead the way, gripping Ava's hand to pull her through the crowd after me.

"Bout time mates!" Zayn grins at us, "Drinks?"

"Yes please! Shots." Louie answers for all of us.

"What do you want?" I place my mouth next to Ava's ear as I wrap an arm around her waist.

"Ummmmm. Martini. Gin."

I nod as Zayn stands up, giving Ava his seat.

I follow Zayn downstairs and towards the bar, finding Liam playing bartender as usual.

After having to stop constantly to say hellos to various acquaintances and pushing our way back through the crowd, a good thirty minutes have went by before we make it back up to the balcony.

I'm surprised to find only Niall sitting at our table, both El and Ava's seats now empty as Louie leans against the railing, looking out over the dance floor.

I quickly down two shots before stopping next to Louie.

"Where's the girls?" I ask.

He grins at me before pointing down towards the dance floor.

My eyes follow his hand, narrowing until they land on El and Ava dancing together.

"No offense, but that's fucking hot right?" Louie smirks at me.

All I can do is nod as I watch, Ava's back to El's front as they dance.


"My thoughts exactly. That's two right fit women we have there Haz."

"But how..."

"Niall brought a tray of shots awhile back. They'd both had at least five before they headed down there. I decided it was best to just let them have their fun." He laughs.

"You're a sick bastard Louie." I chuckle, patting him on the back as I down another shot.

"I'll take that as a thank you and respond with a you're welcome."

"You would." I shake my head at him, feeling my body warm up from the alcohol and from watching Ava. "Let's join them yeah?"

"Fuck yes." Louie grins, grabbing two shots for us to shoot back before we head downstairs.

I have a strong urge to beat the shite out of a couple lads we pass, their eyes trained on our birds.

Louie pushes on my back when I slow down, reminding me to focus on the target ahead.

Ava gasps as I grab her hips, pulling her away from El. "Mind if I cut in?"

She blushes, losing her liquor induced boldness for only a second before grasping my neck and giving me a rough kiss.

My mind goes hazy as her hands tug on my hair, my own gripping her waist tightly.

Once she stops for a breath, I spin her around, and pull her back towards me; my hands firmly holding her hips and pressing her bum against my crotch.

Her body starts moving with the rhythm of the song, making my jeans tighter with every roll of her hips.

She drops her head back onto my shoulder, giving me a perfect view of her low cut neck line. I bite my lip as my eyes travel over her glistening skin, her dress giving me just enough of a view of the curve of her breasts to make me go mad.

I know my patience is wearing thin as I feel my muscles tense, my body letting me know what my mind already does. I need her, and I need her now.

I attach my lips to her collarbone as she turns her head towards me and speaks into my ear.

"Are you ready to take me home yet?"


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