Chapter 74: The ARIAs

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-Ava's POV-

The screams were loud.

We could hear them as we pulled up to the venue, Perrie grasping my hand in nervousness.

"It's really loud. They're already here I think. You see them?"

I look past her out the window into the mass of people standing on the red carpet.

"No, I see Luke and Calum though." I point to the two guys talking to an interviewer.

"Right. Well out we go!" Perrie exclaims as her door is opened, a hand offered to her as she slides out.

I follow suit, careful as I slide across the seat. To say my dress is delicate would be an understatement. A hand is offered to me, and I take it eagerly, happy to be helped out of the backseat.

Perrie grabs my arm, holding on tightly as our names are called and flashes go off. I'm surprised to hear my name being shouted along with Perrie's, several people trying to ask us questions.

"Let's push on shall we? I don't want to answer any questions without the lads." Perrie whispers in my ear, smiling sweetly at a few interviewers we pass.

I let her lead me along, moving a little slower than her being my dress is so snug. I hear my name being yelled once again, this time by a voice I recognize.

"Ava love! How are ya?" Aston asks, giving me a quick hug, "Right crazy around here isn't it!? You look smashing!"

"Thanks!" I smile, trying not to laugh at his choice of suit paired with a scarf wrapped around his head. Amazingly he makes it work. "Excited? I know you guys are going to win."

"We're hoping to! Can't wait to perform!" He grins at me as Michael comes up and smacks him on the back.

He gives me a half hug and a kiss on the cheek hello before ushering Aston off to another interview.

Perrie startles me, poking me in the back, "I see Louis!"

I follow her eye line, looking past several people to see Louie taking a pic with a fan standing behind the fence. He moves a bit and I spot Zayn right next to him.

I feel a bit of nervousness rush over me, smoothing out my dress as I follow Perrie towards them. Zayn immediately fawns over Perrie as I glance around for Harry.

"I'm absolutely starving!"

I feel a hand on my arm, turning to find a sunglass clad Niall.

"I hear they've got spring rolls in there! Want me to snag ya one?" He asks breathlessly, practically dancing around in excitement.

"This dress doesn't pair well with greasy food." I laugh as he huffs at me.

"Right, well neither does me white shirt, but that won't be stopping me."

"You also have a stylist following you around with a suitcase full of shirts." I point out.

"True true. Have ya seen Harry?"

I shake my head no just as I feel two large hands rest on my waist from behind.

"Speak of the devil!" Niall laughs before practically running over to Louie.

"Luckiest bloke here, getting to take you home." Harry's deep voice sounds behind me.

I turn around, my breath being stolen away as I take him in. Harry can wear an all black suit like no other man alive. The jacket fits him just snugly enough to accentuate his broad shoulders, his shirt unbuttoned halfway in true Harry fashion, and his hair swept back. He pushes his hand through it, nearly making me faint from the site. God he's hot. Very very very hot.

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