Nightmare Unleashed (Part 2)

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"You're with the bastards that killed everyone!" Jose exclaimed angrily. "That killed my family!" "Fuck ya family," Nelson spat coldly, shivering in sheer anger. Jose grimaced, before sighing and with an evil smile, said, "Well I've killed your loved one in front of you too. Now you feel my pain. You know how I feel." "No," Nelson shook his head, "I'm afraid I don't know what it feels like to be about to be killed." Jose raised both of his blades. "You gonna kill me? After I saved you??? Well come on then!" Nelson growled and charged him.

As Nelson got close, Jose attempted to slice at Nelson's face, but Nelson blocked it with the Nightmare key. He went to slice at him the other blade, but Nelson noticed it in the corner of his eye and punched Jose's wrist hard enough to knock the blade out of it. With an annoyed snarl, Jose knocked the Nightmare key out of Nelson's hand, sending it and his other red blade in the air above them. He then uppercutted Nelson in the abdomen hard enough to lift him up in the air. He didn't even feel it, especially since his core was his strongest area. He grabbed Jose's wrist and stared maniacally at a growling Jose. "IS THIS ALL A MARTIAN CAN DO??" Nelson spat tauntingly, throwing Jose all the way across the room and against the sarcophagus. He then jumped up in the air and kicked Jose's knife twirling mid air towards him at insane speed, lopping one of his arms off. Jose yelled. Nelson caught the Nightmare key in his hand as he landed. Jose stood up slowly, his red eyes flickering from brown to red, clutching the bloody stump on his shoulder where his arm used to be. "N...Nelson.." Jose stammered, before shaking his head violently and gritting his teeth. Nelson caught a glimpse of Anora limp, stuck in the wall, and felt himself get even angrier. He wiped his eyes as tears continued to stream down his face. He hadn't stopped crying this entire time.
When he finished wiping his eyes, he found Jose slicing at him with his good arm, the red blade glowing furiously. Nelson dodged the injured Jose with the Nightmare key, the two alien metals making a weird scratching sound as they collided. Eventually he twirled the Nightmare key and it knocked Jose's alien dagger to the ground, and spun around him to land a spinning round house kick to the back of Jose's head, sending him flying down the stairs. He heard something break. "Come back Jose!" He called demonically. "I'm not done torturing you yet!!" He growled and pounced down the long flight of stairs. He found Jose had landed and crashed into one of the pods with the colorless liquid in it, and it was melting through half of his body, the right side where his arm was already gone. Nelson grabbed him by the hair on his head, holding him in front of him. The Nightmare key seemed to tingle excitedly in his hand, green static electricity flowing around it. "You're not dying this easily," he said, dragging him careless up the stairs. He yelled at the top of the stairs and threw Jose up in the air, catching him by the throat and choke slamming him into a wall, leaving an decently sized dent. "I can't wait to send you to hell with the rest of your martian buddies," he said, stabbing Jose directly in the chest. Jose gasped for air, trying to grab the Nightmare key with his remaining arm, but it burned him to the touch. "What the hell.." Jose muttered, his eyes flickering a final time before returning to their natural brown color. He gazed up at Nelson in horror. "Y.. you have green eyes.. just like the ones that killed my family.." he said fearfully. Nelson began slowly moving the Nightmare key up his chest, and Jose screamed in pain. "De ja vu," Nelson said thoughtfully. "I seem to remember Anora screaming like that before you killed her." He paused, frowning. Then he slapped Jose just hard enough to make him mad. "You martians can't beat us," Nelson said, "We blew your fucking atmosphere off. Look at your trash ass planet! Mars is just a big ass sand rock." Jose continued to scream as Nelson continued slowing cutting up through his chest. "'re wrong..." Jose managed to say, struggling to speak. "The Martians won... after the... the atmosphere... they blew up the planet... they evolved themselves so that didn't need an atmosphere to breathe anymore..." Tears began to well up in Jose's eyes, and he clenched his remaining fist. "All I wanted was revenge for my family..." he said, struggling, "I... I saw them.. they killed my mom... dad.. my sister... they made me watch.... I couldn't do anything about it. I was so weak.." Jose gritted his teeth, looking ashamedly to the ground. "I was pretty sure they killed you too. I hate them.. The Martians... they told me if I helped them I could get revenge... I tried to scare you all away so I wouldn't have to kill you.. you wouldn't stop though... and now you're one of them.." "YOU KILLED ANORA!!" Nelson yelled, tears like a waterfall, his chest hurting from emotional pain. "You of all people should know.. I've never had the courage to talk to a girl.. especially one I liked. She was perfect. We were about to start dating. I really REALLY fucking liked her..." Jose smiled sadly, wiping his eyes. "It took all this for you to get a girl... you haven't changed that much.." "I didn't want to be one of them," Nelson said, his vision flickering between green and normal a bit. "But when you did that.. I let it take over.." "They turned you into one of them?" Jose asked. "I don't have to give in to it.."
He replied, "But now that she's dead.. I don't know that I care anymore." "Don't make the same mistake I made," Jose said. "Don't.. don't let..." he coughed up some blood, before slowly continuing, "Don't let your anger control you... and.. besides.. I knew you... probably liked her.. I only twisted it around in her arm.. she pro...probably just passed out from the pain.." Jose seemed to doze off, but shook it off. "I was just trying to scare you away... but please... don't become one of those monsters. Please... I'm sorry.." He smiled a final time. "And get some pussy. You're a 20 year old virgin." With that, he went limp, and breathed no more. Nelson removed the Nightmare key from Jose's chest. He would need time to process all of this. As Jose's body flopped lifelessly to the ground, he turned around and ran over to Anora. Truth be told, other than a few bruises, the only concerning damage was her own knife twisted in her shoulder. He took the knife out of her, which had pinned her to the wall, and carried her over his shoulder. He could feel her breathing. Thank God, he managed to think as his vision returned to normal and he passed out, clutching to the Nightmare Key.
He woke up lightheaded, in a hospital bed. He glanced around at his surroundings. There was a bed to his left where Anora lay, staring at the ceiling. She seemed troubled. Nothing but a white wall was in front of his bed, but to the right, he saw a robot holding the Nightmare key. He was bit sore, but nothing much more than that. He scratched his head confusedly. "A...Anora..?" He said, getting up. "You're awake?" She asked, eyeing him with clear concern. Nelson nodded, looking at the cast on her arm. "What's wrong with your arm?" He asked. "You don't remember what happened?" She asked, a bit of sadness seeming to color her voice. "What is the last thing you remember?" "Walking into the church," he said, after struggling with his cloudy mind. At that moment, Samuel - on crutches - Commander Moran, a medium sized blonde girl with light green eyes and a cherry stem in her mouth, and Miranda walked in. "Hey you're awake!" Miranda said, clearly excited. "You doing okay??" Nelson nodded slowly. "Who is that?" He asked, looking at the blonde girl, "And Samuel? Why are you in crutches?" "You don't remember anything?" Samuel asked, concerned. "Well I'm Cherry," the blonde girl reminded him, her face nonchalant. Nelson shook his head, still confused. "Let me refresh your memory," Commander Moran said abruptly. "They found you, Dr. Lawson, and Jose at the top of the Pyramid you were supposed to investigate. There were dents all over the wall and floor, Jose was halfway melted, with a deep cut in his chest. Dr. Lawson had every muscle in her shoulder cut through. And you had that" - he pointed at the Nightmare Key - "Which is fatal to humans, in your hand. Ring a bell?" At that moment Cherry and Miranda eyed Nelson curiously. "You could hold that!?" Miranda gaped, "That's so cool!" Cherry merely eyed him closely.
"Not the way I would describe it," Commander Moran said with a frown. The commander suddenly lifted up a revolver, aiming at Nelson. "Woah hold on..." Nelson said, "I don't even remember any of that.." Miranda watched the commander closely, putting her hands in her pockets. Cherry watched with an intent expression. "S..sir.." Samuel started, "I don't think..." "It sounds like he's one of them," The commander said flatly. "Perhaps a spy?" "Don't you dare," Anora said, sitting up, getting out of her bed. Everyone looked in awe at her. "Lawson??" Commander Moran asked, clearly and openly surprised for the first time. "He saved my life back there. That Jose would have killed me if he hadn't have done what he did." "And how do you know what he did? You were unconscious," the commander retorted, cocking the revolver. Miranda seemed to tense up, but stayed still. Anora limped her way in between Nelson and Commander Moran. "Lawson, move." He said, frowning. "Sir please," Samuel said, "When Jose was turned his eyes turned colors. Nelson's eyes are the same." "He probably had no choice but to use that thing," Anora pointed at the Nightmare Key. "He was willing to risk most likely killing him self to save me. Jose pulled two knives on him, you know. He was defenseless. I've never heard of an Alien dying for a human. Or killing another alien." Commander Moran stared thoughtfully. "You're going to have to kill us both." Anora stated coldly. Commander Moran sighed deeply. "I suppose the.. strange ability to... interact with alien technology.. could come in handy." "I don't know what happened," Nelson said, "But I'm team human man... sir. I promise. You think I would honestly turn my back on Anora? On Samuel? My loyalties lie here." "I believe him," Miranda said, still eyeing the commander's revolver closely. "Can you please not shoot him?" Commander Moran eyed him intently, before slowly lowering his gun. "I better not regret this," he said flatly, before leaving the room. "Thank you everyone," Nelson said, taking a deep sigh. "Especially you, Anora." Anora turned to him and smiled wearily, and replied, "You got me, I got you." She sat on the bed next to Nelson. "You don't remember what happened when you touched it?" Miranda asked. Nelson shook his head. "I don't remember what happened after we went to the funeral.... speaking of which.. Anora? Did you say Jose? Like the one I know?" Anora nodded. "Holy shit he was an alien???" Nelson gaped. "That's fucking crazy.." "He was kicking our butts," Samuel said. "Like we were nothing. All of us. I wish you remembered how you won." "So..." Miranda stared curiously at the Nightmare Key. "Can you touch it now?" Nelson shrugged. "I mean I guess.. I'm kinda scared to." "Why would you even suggest that?" Anora asked her, furrowing her brows in annoyance. Miranda frowned at her before replying, "I feel like it played a big part in the fight he doesn't remember. I mean.. all this alien stuff is so cool.. what if it's like a weapon?" "Jose said it was a key," Anora said plainly. "Where is he now?" Miranda retorted. Anora rolled her eyes. "You shouldn't be so naive," Samuel cautioned her. "This stuff is nothing to play around with." Nelson stared at the alien technology curiously. "What if it is useful?" He asked thoughtfully. "See!" Miranda said excitedly. "What if we get the edge on them? They'll never expect it!" "Well I'm a bit more concerned with his health," Anora said. "I believe he can do it," Miranda continued with a smile at Nelson. "I do kinda wanna try," he admitted, "Samuel if something bad happens use your crutch to knock it out of my hand." "Nelson," Anora frowned. "Are you serious?" Nelson nodded, already reaching for it. Anora grabbed his arm, and for the first time he saw fear in her emerald green eyes. "I'll be okay, Anora," he told her reassuringly. She just continued to stare, but her hand slowly let go. Samuel readied his crutch. He grabbed the Nightmare key.

As soon as he did, he suddenly had flashbacks of everything that happened, from the church to Mars. He remembered all of it. When he came to, everyone stared at him with great concern. "I'm alright," he said slowly. "And I remember what happened.." he stared at Anora with newfound appreciation. "I thought you died.. cause I couldn't see where he stabbed you. I got so pissed off.." he trailed off. "What?" Anora asked softly. "I got so pissed off that I didn't care if it would kill me or not.. I just wanted to avenge you. I felt it burning me on the inside, but Jose was still alive so I... I don't know.." he trailed off. He couldn't think of how to explain it without revealing he was part alien. Miranda eyed it closely, an odd expression on her face. Cherry seemed particularly interested, though she didn't say anything. "What's wrong?" Nelson asked Miranda. She looked at him, but said nothing. She seemed a bit disappointed. She walked off, leaving the room. "Poor girl," Samuel said as she left. "I think she had a crush on you." "It's a little too late for that," Anora said, almost defensively. Samuel looked at them with interest. "It is?" He asked with a small smile, "I'll bet you two had plenty of.. bonding time." Nelson blushed, thinking of what Anora had said in the Martian Pyramid. Anora seemed to be thinking the same thoughts. Damn, he thought, I never had a girlfriend before. He wondered what all he had to do.
"I imagine you're going to need something to hold  your blade," Cherry said, eyeing it with curiosity. "Shit I guess," Nelson shrugged, "Though I don't know if it's actually a sword." "Isn't that how you're gonna use it? You can't exactly go around with a glowing sword in public," Cherry continued. Nelson agreed. "I'll work on fashioning one,"'she said, getting up, and walking out of the room, "Stay here?" Nelson shrugged once again. "Sure." After she left, Samuel commented, "Wow, no thanks to her or anything? Though she is kinda weird." "My mind is elsewhere," he said, looking directly at Anora. She blushed, smiling and glancing down at the floor. He felt different holding the Nightmare Key. He felt more confident, more outgoing, as if his inhibitions were melting away. He didn't really notice it at first, but it became more evident the longer he held it. He silently decided to name it Nightmare as he put it down next to his pillow. Samuel nodded. "I see. Well I'll leave you two lovebirds to yourselves. But I'm glad you both made it out alive. I'm sorry I couldn't help." With that, he walked out. "So..." Nelson started, "Umm.. so... you remember what we talked about in the pyramid?" Anora nodded shyly. "Uhh... So um... do you still wanna be... more than friends..?" Anora, still blushing deeply, smiled warmly at him. "I would love that," she replied quietly, her voice having that edge to it as she spoke. He wondered if she did that on purpose to fluster him. Because it worked every time. Although, now she looked like she wanted to kiss him. He felt himself getting even more hot and nervous, and his stomach felt like it was running a marathon. Alright man, he thought to himself, How do I do this? Tongue? No tongue? Nah that might freak her out. How am I supposed to move my lips? Do I move them? Will it be awkward if I close my eyes right now? How do I... his thoughts were interrupted by Anora kissing him ever so softly on his cheek, blushing wildly as she did so. He felt himself blushing as well. YO DUDE IS THIS REAL RIGHT NOW? Did a hot girl just kiss my cheek???? He thoughts were all over the place. Anora giggled cutely at him. "You're so cute when you're flustered," she told him. He nodded awkwardly. "I uh... thanks.." he smiled shyly at her. "Could I... lay on your chest?" She asked shyly. Nelson nodded of course, though his heart beat was jumping. As they laid down, Anora laying on her uninjured side, she commented, "Oh my goodness you're so nervous. You're heart is beating so fast." Nelson chuckled, embarrassed. "What can I say? The most... beautiful girl I've ever met is laying on my chest right now.." "Oh stop," Anora replied, giggling shyly, "All my blood is going to get stuck in my cheeks from blushing so much." They laughed nervously at that, before, after a moment, falling asleep together.

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