A Call For Help

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Although he was mostly fine, he stayed in the infirmary with Anora as she rested up. Just a few days into her recovery, Cherry returned with a sheathe for Nightmare. She eyed it curiously as it glistened on the side of the bed. "Here you go," she said, handing it to him. He nodded. "Why did you feel the need to do that?" Anora asked her. "We barely know you." Cherry shrugged. "It's just.. interesting." Cherry stared at the blade for a moment longer before walking out. "She's weird," Nelson commented. Anora nodded in agreement. Nelson picked up Nightmare and sheathed it, before laying it against the wall. "I'm just happy you're okay," she said, eyeing Nightmare with concern. "Me too. I really thought I'd lost you for a while there," he replied. Anora smiled warmly at him. It was at that moment that Samuel texted him, telling him that Commander Moran wanted to see him, and that he was on his way. That's a good heads up, Nelson said. The last time the Commander had shown up he had tried to shoot him. "Commander's coming," Nelson told Anora after glancing at the text. Anora frowned. "He better not be coming to try to shoot you." Just a few moments later, Commander Moran methodically walked into the room, his face expressionless as ever. "Hamilton." He said. "If you are feeling up to it, a request has been made." Nelson eyed him curiously. "Yes?" "Skylar is on an undercover investigatory assignment," he began, "And she has brought it to my attention that she may need some help. Captain Keith is still unable to walk properly yet, and normally Dr. Lawson is best suited for stealth. But given her condition she requested you accompany her." Anora frowned. "Why not Charles?" "He's definitely not the stealthy type," The commander said flatly, "He was... unexpectedly eager to go, but stealth is our goal here. And I'd like to consider this a redemption mission of sorts. After last mission's critical failure, I would normally at the very least remove you from this operation. You're only still here at the personal request of Captain Keith. Now, a quick debriefing. Beginning a little bit before or around 2018, we have been seeing increasing extraterrestrial activity at Myrtle Beach. At first it was just late night in the sky lights, but now people are seeing things on the beach and in the water. We need to take care of whatever is going on and explain it away. Without drawing attention to ourselves." Nelson nodded. "You will be there within two days." Anora sighed. "She's doing too much," she frowned. "I guess I need to go get ready," Nelson said, picking up Nightmare and carrying it over his shoulder. "Be safe," Anora said, her emerald eyes sparkling with sadness. "I will," Nelson told her reassuringly. He stood there for a second, then, after building up the courage, he kissed her forehead. Anora looked up at him, blushing deeply. He thought he heard her say something but he couldn't hear it as he left out of the building.

He stopped back home to change and eat some food before deciding to drive. He could take a plane, but he was too nervous to take one by himself. He was always afraid of something going wrong and it crashing. On his way past the living room, he noticed a Tv show playing. He had stopped for a moment to text Anora and ended up watching it for a second. It was some kind of soap opera about a guy that went crazy after his wife cheated on him and went on a killing spree. He found himself deeply interested in the plot. He watched it until the end, when he heard Kelly's voice behind him saying, "So I see you've discovered my favorite show. And Sammy always said it was boring." "It's kinda really interesting," he told her, "And how long have you been standing there?" Kelly shrugged. "Just long enough to see you were interested. There's a marathon going on if you wanna watch," she said, smiling politely. "Oh I don't know," Nelson said, "I kinda have to be somewhere." "You don't have to be polite," she said, scratching her brown hair. "If you're gonna be wooing my best friend, I feel like we should get to know each other. Sammy knows Anora, but I hardly know you." Nelson stared thoughtfully. He wondered how well Samuel knew Anora. "Besides, it gets lonely here with Sammy gone all the time," she added, sitting on the couch, and gesturing for him to join her. With a shrug he decided to join her.
       The show was absolutely captivating to him. As it went on, he asked Kelly questions about the characters, plot etc which she eagerly explained. "It's so nice to have someone to explain this to!" She said, "Now I have somebody to talk to about it. Anora and Sammy don't really get into Soap operas." He had originally meant to only watch one episode, but one turned into two, and that into three. By the end of the third episode, they were on the edge of their seats, when Samuel asked, "Hey Nelson?" He asked him curiously. "Aren't you supposed to be going to that mission commander told you about?" "Oh shit I forgot,"  Nelson said, getting up. "We should watch some more later," Kelly suggested, "We gotta get you caught up." She smiled teasingly at Samuel. "If it's not too boring." Samuel laughed a humorless laugh. "I'll take that as a cue for me to go," Nelson said, "I'll see you later man." Samuel merely nodded as Nelson set off, preparing himself for whatever was going down at Myrtle beach.

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