Cumming together

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It was an uncomfortably quiet ride in the jet. Eventually they were dropped off in Ohio, a little ways away from Cincinnati. They were told they had someone coming with a car to take them where they needed to go.
"So... we killed it finally," Samuel said. "If he was their leader or whatever.. does that mean they'll stop messing with us?" "I don't know," Nelson said with a frown. "Perhaps. Either way we still got Cherry out there somewhere." "Yeah," Paul said, "I've been thinking on what she said. She mentioned something about Annunaki. I've heard that before. They're mentioned in ancient Mesopotamian texts. I remember learning that... so it's like they were here before." "But didn't she say they were locked up? How could they have been here if they are locked up?" Miranda asked. "Something's not adding up here." Paul massaged his chin. "I don't know. It seems like we're gonna have to capture her and interrogate her. We're gonna need answers." Samuel nodded. Nelson once again took out his phone to call Anora. No answer. Miranda eyed him closely. "What's wrong?" She asked him. "I'm beginning to wonder if she.. blocked me or something." "I'm sorry to hear that," Miranda told him. "You've not been helping this situation at all," Samuel told Miranda irritably.
"I think we need to go to Anora's house first so he can talk to her for himself. Miranda merely eyed Samuel with a frown, but chose not to speak. "That does sound like a good idea," Nelson agreed.
      It was no sooner than this did a limousine pull up to their location. Samuel instructed the driver to go to Anora's address first. Nelson felt an uncomfortable feeling in his chest. What she left him? He didn't know how he would respond to it. Miranda cast concerned glances at him. Time seemed to pass unreasonably slow until they finally reached Anora's house. She stood outside, arms crossed. Samuel stood outside, opening the door for Nelson, who was to nervous and afraid to step out of the car. "Come on man," Samuel said. "He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to," Miranda muttered, seeming annoyed. "No it's alright," Nelson told her. "I... I guess I'll be okay." Miranda, seemingly reluctantly, stepped out to let him out. When he finally made his way out, Anora's emerald green eyes seemed to light up.
        She sprinted towards him, almost knocking Samuel over and practically pushing Miranda out of the way, who fell flat on her back on the concrete. She immediately embraced him tightly. "You has me SO WORRIED..!" She gasped, a tear escaping her eye. "Why didn't you ever call?? Why did you ignore all of mine???" "You called me..?" Nelson stammered. "And when you didn't answer I called Samuel because Charles wouldn't answer and I heard about the plane crash. And now they're struggling to explain what happened at Paul's Valley. They entire city got nuked. He wouldn't tell me anything that happened no matter how much I argued and yelled at him. He insisted you wanted to tell me, but you never called." She pulled out her phone. In her call log, it read that 'Babyboy💚' had 124 missed calls from her. Nelson was astounded. "Wow.." he showed her his recents and it showed she hadn't called for days. "Did you block me?" She asked him. "No..." Nelson quickly said, "I thought you blocked me." They showed each other their block lists and neither one of their names/numbers were on there. "I told you," Samuel said shortly. "Uhm... I'm sorry man..." Nelson said slowly, "But then.. what the fuck happened? Why is it only blocking my phone?" Anora shrugged, looking at her phone closely. He tried calling it again, but Anora's phone didn't ring once. "My gosh," Samuel muttered. "That is awe fully specific.." "I'll get a new phone," Anora said after a moment. "We can't just... overlook that," Paul chimed in, "Like that's like... a normal phone doesn't malfunction in a manner that would make it so that only one specific number can not contact it." "So what are you trying to say?" Anora asked defensively. "You clearly see I'm not the cause of this." "But.. Maybe someone is," Paul continued. "Maybe do you think Cherry had something....?" "What?" Anora interrupted. "What the hell does that weirdo have to do with anything?" "Well she's an undercover alien," Nelson told her. "They've been trying to get under my skin and shit for the longest." "What..." Anora said slowly, seemingly letting it all sink in. "Fucking alien shitheads.." "Well we killed the leader," Paul said, "That's what the atomic bomb was for." "That's good news," Anora said distantly, looking at the limo. "Don't jump for joy or anything," Paul muttered. "Where's Charles though?"
      Everyone remained silent for a while. She repeated herself. Still no answer. Eventually, Nelson reluctantly told her, "He's.... um.. dead." Anora stared blankly at him. "I'm sorry," she said. "I don't think I heard you right.." Miranda finally stood up from where she had been pushed over, and she seemed absolutely pissed off. However, she spoke with deceptive calmness when she said, "Charles is dead." Anora looked blankly at Miranda. "I don't like you," she said simply. "I know," Miranda replied shortly before storming away down the street. "Where is she going?" Paul asked. "Who cares," Anora said. "That Miranda is trouble," Samuel said, shaking his head. "Uh.. So um.. how did he.... go?" Anora asked quietly. "Well... the head alien dude had me, Miranda, and Charles cornered in a cave. He had just killed one of them. And then he fired a missile at the alien but it Like reflected it or some shit and.. he took the missile almost head on. But that's not what killed him. When the aliens came back to attack Paul's valley, and after Cherry disappeared on us, well, he was on a machine that needed power, and it was going out. We couldn't take him with us even if we could fit him on the jet because he needed to be hooked up to something to power the machine... so he was about to die anyway bc of the aliens before the atomic bomb." Anora merely stared. "I'm sorry.." Paul said slowly. "I would have saved him if we could." Anora merely walked back into her house. Nelson followed her. "I'll catch up with you guys," Nelson said. "Well you kind of have to hurry," Samuel told him, "Commander Moran is going to want to see us ASAP." He nodded before following Anora inside. He found her in the living room, sitting on the couch, tears slowly falling down her face. "A..Anora?" He calles to her softly. She looked at him.
He sat next to her and hugged her. She buried her head in his chest. They were silent for a while. "I... it's just.." Anora seemed to struggle with her words. "He's really... gone.." she muttered. "I'm sorry..." he said slowly. "I wish I could've done something.." "It's not your fault," she told him. He gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Commander's waiting on you," she told him. "I'll be here when you get back." He nodded slowly before departing. "Wait," she said, "You Can take my car. They already left." He thanked her as she tossed him the keys and then he began to leave. As he was about to pull off, Anora suddenly came outside, waving at him. "Can I come with you?" She asked. "Sure, Im not complaining," he replied as she came and got in the passenger seat. "I... it's just... I don't know." She muttered. She seemed so sad, distant, broken even. He hated seeing her this way. He wished he could help her feel better. They finally arrived there, Anora and he walking hand in hand. He noticed she seemed a bit closer to him than usual. He didn't mind; in fact to the contrary he quite enjoyed the extra affection.
He found that everyone was already assembled waiting for them. Miranda stood there with an unusually cold expression in her eyes, arms crossed, though other than that she made no indication that she noticed them. "Hamilton, finally," Commander Moran said. "We have been waiting. You are aware that after assignments you are in fact, not supposed to take pit stops before reporting back to me?" "I'm sorry, sir, it was very important." "Keep your hormones in check, Hamilton." "No, it was regarding Charles," he told the Commander. Commander Moran frowned. "Oh..." he crossed his arms. "What happened? Tell me all the details. What happened to Charles?" It was Samuel who ended up telling Commander Moran what happened, with Nelson and Paul interjecting only when he forgot something due to having a head injury - and thusly slight memory trouble - during the plane crash. "That.. this.. is.. a terrible loss.." Commander Moran replied, an odd expression on his face. "I apologize for assuming the worst, Hamilton. And I am also sorry for your loss, Lawson. At the very least, his sacrifice wasn't in vain. You all managed to take down that alien bastard.. the leader of we're correct. We noticed after that commotion you stirred up, extraterrestrial activity began to decrease rapidly. It looks like they're finally starting to back off. In my book, you all have exceeded my expectations." "Thank you sir." They all said with a salute. "Hamilton, you're definitely due for a promotion. And Keith, as are you, although the next level is where I am at. When I resign, it will be you who takes my place, if you will." "Of course!" Samuel said eagerly, "Uh, sir." "It should appear that all we need to do is explain this away and see if they continue retreating," Commander Moran said thoughtfully, "I do need one more person to accompany a team I'm building to track down Cherry. She's the last loose end. I don't know if she's in space somewhere but if she's on Earth, we will find her." Miranda immediately volunteered. They all looked at her curiously. Her face was expressionless, though he noticed she avoided looking his and Anora's direction. "Surprisingly eager, Skylar," The Commander noted. Miranda nodded curtly. "Of course, sir. I would like to keep busy." She spoke without any emotion in her voice. Strictly professional, it seemed. "If you insist," the commander shrugged. "Every mission you have been on has been a success. I hope that continues." "Naturally." "Well the rest of you may have a small break, recover and what have you. You've certainly earned it what with this major victory you have earned us." They all saluted him respectfully before going their separate ways.
       Anora was down for a while. Nelson, along with going to work, consistently visited her, keeping her company and trying to cheer up. She often complained of the house feeling uncomfortably lonely and empty. One day he went to visit her during the beginning of November, a month later, they sat in her room one night after he got off. She was quiet, as she had been, especially after having cleared out Charles room. She had let him shower at her house, and he now stood before her in just a towel, realizing that he didn't have any clothes to change into. How did I not think of that? He thought, a bit annoyed at himself. Anora glanced at him, a bit of intrigue in her eyes, though she made no comment. "Hey Anora," he said, getting tired of always seeing her depressed. "How are you feeling?" "I'm not sure," she replied, glancing between him and the floor. "It's just... he's really not here... like it's.. when you aren't here... it's so quiet... it reminds me..." she stopped mid-sentence. He took a seat beside her. "What?" Anora sighed. "When I was little, like five years old, my parents had finally agreed to let my first child-hood friend come over and play. They used to be very strict. My brother was on a field trip out of state, since he was ten years older than me. It was a girl named Brittany. Everything was all fine and dandy until we got attacked by those aliens. I could see those big ugly things walking outside the door terrorizing people. We were going to hide but Brittany panicked and screamed and tried to run out the door and it heard us. My parents pushed me into a closet and I hid there... and I heard their screams. They just killed them. After a while, it was just quiet. Just like it is now. Because everyone was dead.... that's why I got that reputation as a person who doesn't trust people. I honestly blame her for screaming and if it had just been us... maybe we could have survived. Maybe my parents would still be alive. At least I still had my brother. But now it's like.. everyone is gone.. I feel so alone.." "Anora.." he said softly as she quickly wiped away tears. This time, she was unable to hold it in. She just sobbed and sobbed, and he hugged her the whole time she did.
       Overcome with emotion, once she calmed down a bit, he eventually told her, "No, no, no, Anora.. you aren't alone. Yeah I know you may have lost your mother and father, and now Charles... but... I.. You still have one person here for you. And... you know.. he's not going anywhere." He went to kiss her cheek, though he was a bit off and ended up kissing her right next to her ear. She eyed him curiously, a gleam in her green eyes. He lightly caressed her cheek as he continued, "Me.. and.. as long as I'm here you'll never be alone. You know.. because... Anora, I.. I love you.." Her emerald green eyes widened, and she stared at him with a look he'd never seen before. She took his hand in hers, and, without another word, she cupped his face in her hands and she kissed him. All kinds of emotions went flowing through him, romantic and.. otherwise. He didn't know what how to kiss, but it all just seemed to just, happen naturally. He loved it.
         "I love you too," she said softly. Phew! He thought with relief, That woulda been mad awkward if she didn't say it back. Aloud, he merely stammered, "U-uhm.. t-that was my f-first uhm... kiss..." she giggled cutely at him. "Mine too," she replied. She eyed his towel suggestively. "Tonight seems like a good night for a lot of... firsts." "Huh?" He asked, his mind all over the place. "You know.." she said slowly, "I always imagined my first time being with someone that... you know.. I really love.. and who loves me back... and.. I mean... look at us." Nelson felt himself getting super nervous. It made him want to run away. But at the same time, he was very excited. He had always wondered if sex would live up to its hype. And Anora was breathtakingly beautiful in every way to him. "I-I don't even know how it works... really..." he muttered embarrassingly. "Me neither," she told him. "But I want this with you... and to be completely honest... I can't resist you sitting her half naked all muscled up and wet and...." she stopped and bit her lip, eyeing him up and down. Come on dude! He thought to himself, Don't be no bitch! You've been wanting this! Come on you got this! And he decided to just go with the flow. They started kissing again and he just tried to follow her body language since he didn't know what to do. Feeling her against him, their skin touching, the feeling of her lips, her voice in his ear, soft almost whimpering moans, it was better than he'd ever imagined it to be. It was the best feeling he'd ever felt. He realized they didn't have any condoms but he didn't want to stop now. Not if she didn't say anything. He couldn't even remember how it slipped in, she was just wet enough for it to slide inside. He had never felt so much pleasure in his life. They pleasured each other the rest of the night.

      When he woke up Anora was already awake, oddly enough, tracing around his nipple with her finger. He smiled amusedly. "You having fun?" He asked her. She giggled that cute giggle of hers. "Loads." "Man," he said. "It's like a fuckin' water park in there," he told her. "Wowwwww." They laughed together for a moment. "I couldn't help it," she said smiling shyly. "I'm glad it did though. Cause man you went ALL the way to the back. It didn't hurt after the third time." "That's good news," he replied with an excited smile. I wonder if she wants to go again? He thought. Anora winked at him. They were just about to start when he heard his phone buzzing on the floor beside them. It was Samuel. He answered the phone. "You alright man??" Samuel asked him. "Just making sure. You normally let me know something." "Yeah I'm good man," Nelson said, "I'm absolutely magnificent." "Are you now?" "Hell yeah. Never been better. Literally." Anora giggled beside him, kissing down his shoulder. "Wow," she said with a smile, "Already hard again?" "I can't help it," he told her, "You're really hot." "Woah woah woah," Samuel quickly said, "TMI. You coming home anytime soon? I got some really good news to tell you." "Lemme just.. finish some business first," he told Samuel with a wink at Anora. "I think it's time for me to go," Samuel said with a chuckle.
         After he and Anora got another 'round' in - or two - he went back home to see what news Samuel had to tell him. Although, something she asked him lingered in his head as he drove off. When he got there, Kelly answered the door. "Hey!" She said cheekily. He noticed her appearance had changed a bit. She had gained a bit of weight, her brown hair was cut a bit shorter than usual as well, but something else was different. "You seem different," he told her. "Has Sammy told you?" "Nope," he said as she let him in. They went upstairs to the living room. Samuel sat on the couch, playing a game on the Xbox. He smiled at Nelson when he came in. "Hey man!" He said. "You seem happier than normal." "It's nice to not worry about being stalked by an alien," he replied, "Among other things." "Hey," Kelly began, "Did you two use protection?" "Uhm..." he said slowly. "You didn't!" Kelly noted. "Well I mean.. I trust whatever happen will happen, right..?" Nelson said with a small smile. "You know, trust God. God is my condom." "Wow." Samuel commented. "But it's like, we love each other so..." "She told you she loved you?!" Kelly gaped. Nelson nodded. "Wow. That is pretty serious." "It's okay though," Nelson told her, "Cause I love her too." "Double Wow," Samuel commented. "And...." he added, thinking of what she asked of him before. "She wants me to move in with her." "Man that's allot of news," Samuel said slowly. He smiled slyly before continuing, "Butttttt. I don't think it beats my news." "Tell him sweety!" Kelly said excitedly, "I can hardly wait!!"

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