Suspicious activities

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Miranda frowned distastefully at Anora. Anora frowned right back. "Hey Anora," Nelson started, looking at her with surprise. "I bet you two were pretty busy," Anora said flatly. "You stopped responding to my calls and texts?" Samuel emerged then from the warehouse, clearly having adjusted to his crutches. "Yeah what happened?" He asked, "We were all worried, 'specially Anora." "We both tried calling you," she said shortly. Miranda eyed them with an odd expression on her face. Samuel raised an eyebrow back at her. "The aliens cut the power on the entire beach," Miranda replied, "And if you look on the news, you'll see we were actually VERY busy. So why don't you quit giving him a hard time? We were handling business." "Excuse me??" Anora started, But Samuel interjected, "In matching suits? What's up with that?" "It had a good purpose," Nelson said, a bit annoyed but also not wanting to upset Anora. "You wanted to match up with your buddy there I see," she said, eyeing Miranda with disdain. Miranda rolled her eyes. "How long were you trying to call me?" He asked them. "Long enough," she said shortly. "When I couldn't contact you, I figured you'd at least answer him. But I see you had your hands full." Miranda leaned back against Nelson's mustang, crossing her arms. "We were busy. What's got your panties in a knot?" Anora scowled at her, taking a few steps forward. Samuel looked at Nelson with a look that said, 'You better do something..!'
      "I don't know what's got my panties in a knot. Yea I saw the news smart ass, that's why I knew you two would be here soon. Excuse me for being concerned that you can't keep your hands to yourself. Off of my man." Miranda rolled her eyes, clearly having something to say, but merely turned her head the other way. Anora's green eyes were filled with anger. "How about we just go our separate ways and cool off?" Nelson suggested. "Yeah get out of here," Anora spat. "Anora.." Nelson said softly, "It's okay.." Miranda glanced between Nelson and Anora, before simply saying, "I'll go because Nelson asked me to. Not because of you." After a final disrespectful look towards Anora, she turned to Nelson and smiled brightly. "Thanks for everything," she told him, "See you later." And with that she finally walked off, turning the corner behind a building a few blocks down.
       "What was all that about?" Samuel asked him, he and Anora walking up to stand beside Nelson. Nelson shrugged. "Man I don't know," he honestly replied, "I've never seen her act like that." "Where's her car?" Anora asked. "Why was she riding with you?" "It got crushed," Nelson replied. Anora closed her eyes, his fists balled. After a moment she took a deep breath, and opened her eyes again. Her green eyes studied him. "I was just worried about you. You know she has a crush on you. Why did you hug her? What was the purpose of that?" Nelson shrugged. "I felt bad for her.." he muttered. Anora sighed. "Can you not do that? Maybe that's why she's acting so bold. She needs to watch herself, she doesn't know what I can do.."  Nelson nodded slowly. After a moment, she sighed deeply and slowly said, "I missed you. I want to hug you but you smell like her." She covered her nose with her free hand, as the other arm was still in a cast. "I'll text you later." She walked back into the warehouse. "Yeah I'm not gonna struggle my way back down there in these crutches," Samuel said. "But Commander told me to tell you he saw what you did and how you covered it up. He wanted me to congratulate you in his place since he's meeting with someone at another HQ." Nelson nodded. "Nelson, it does look kinda suspicious though, ya know?" Samuel shifted uncomfortably in his crutches. "I'd try to steer away from that Miranda girl. I feel like she's trouble." Nelson frowned. "I mean I don't know, maybe everyone got off on the wrong foot," he offered. Samuel shook his head. "The wrong foot? More like she shot her in the foot. I don't see those two getting along. Anora was really upset." Nelson crossed his arms, eying Samuel curiously. "What is it?" "What do you mean? Did you go back down there to see her?" "Well... yeah," Samuel replied, "I.. the commander wanted me to go and check on everyone... you know, see how things are holding up.. plus she called me, ya know, so I figured I would try to help.." he blinked at Nelson a few times. "I see," Nelson merely replied. He had questions arise in his mind, though he chose not to speak on them. "What?" He asked him. Nelson merely turned around to go into his car. "Hey.." Samuel started as Nelson got into his car. "Can you give me a ride home? I would call my wife but I.. I'm tired. You're already here and I'd rather not wait man." Nelson nodded silently.

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