I Fell For You!

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The rest of the day flew by. Before Shuichi knew it, it was time to go home... with Kokichi. When Shuichi turned the corner, Kokichi was already by his locker, swaying side to side and staring off into space. Shuichi mentally prepared himself before going over to him.

"Hey Kokichi," He says, opening his locker. Kokichi beams when he sees Shuichi and starts swinging the opened locker door around.

"Heeeyy! You ready to work super hard!?" He cheers. Shuichi gives him a weird look before slowly nodding and closing his locker. Kokichi latches onto his arm and leads the way. Shuichi awkwardly follows, trying to pry his arm away.

Once they get outside, Kokichi lets go, falling behind Shuichi, queuing him to lead the way. The two start towards the detective's house in silence until Kokichi runs in front of Shuichi and starts singing.

"Step on a crack and you'll break your mama's back," he sings, stomping on the cracks in the side walk. Shuichi smiles at his... childishness... in concern and humor. How could this spoiled little kid be the ultimate supreme leader? He wonders what kind of organization he even runs...

"Step on a line and you break your daddy's spine," Kokichi continues, dancing on the lines in the sidewalk. Smiling again, Shuichi watches the boy. Kokichi spins on his heels and looks at Shuichi. Kokichi gives a little grin.

"Shuichiii! Join me!" He giggles, skipping toward him.

"Ah, t-that's okay..," Shuichi stutters. Shuichi looks down and notices a big rock in the middle of the sidewalk. It's right in Kokichi's path. Oh no..

"Kokichi watch ou-!" It was too late. Kokichi hopped directly on the rock and fell right onto his face. He hit the ground with a hard thud and made the group shake under Shuichi's feet. Kokichi screamed like a baby.

"Oh my God! Are okay Kokichi!?" Shuichi gasps as he runs over to him. Kokichi rolls onto his back, groaning in pain. His nose is bleeding and deep scratches cover his face. "U-uh, let me.. uh um.. how many fingers do you see?"

"Bitch I just fell on my face! I don't want your fingers!" Kokichi cries, whipping his nose with his sleeve. Damn it Kokichi!

"Uh... can you stand?" Shuichi asks warily, reaching into his pocket for a tissue. He puts it to Kokichi's nose as he sits him up.

"Shuichiiii! That hurts!!" Kokichi complains, swatting him away.

"Kokichi, let me help you! You might have a concussion!" Shuichi shouts.

"Silly Shuichi! I have a head of steel! There's no way I'd..." Kokichi pauses before falling flat on his back, passed out. Oh Atua.

"Kokichi?" Shuichi questions, poking him. It was no use. He was out cold. Looking around, Shuichi tries to find someone to help but there's no one in sight. Shuichi sighs. "If I must..."

Awkwardly, Shuichi stuffs a rolled up tissue into Kokichi's nose. Then, he picks Kokichi up on his back, wraps Kokichi's arms around his neck, and trudges to his house.

By the time he gets there, the sun was setting. Shuichi had under estimated how heavy Kokichi was and much he would move around being unconscious. Shuichi uncomfortably shuffled through his door and dragged himself up the stairs to his room.

Tiredly, Shuichi drops the supreme leader on his bed and falls face first next to him. The detective groans. They didn't even work on the project.

Then he feels a pat on his shoulder...

"Thanks for the ride Shuichi~" the mischievous voice of only one person whispered in his ear.

Shuichi's head shoots up to see the purple hair boy sitting crossleged with a finger to his evil smirk.

"I can't believe you thought I actually passed out! You think I should go into acting?" The purple haired boy laughs.

"Did you really just make me carry you all the way to my house?!" Shuichi yells, reaching for the boy, but yet again, Shuichi underestimated Kokichi.

Kokichi leaps off the bed and does a little spin once he lands. "Wow Shuichi! If you wanted a hug, you could've asked!"

Shuichi tried to grab Kokichi again but the sneaky boy had somehow dodged him and ran out the bedroom. Kokichi laughs as he thumps down the stairs. Out of breath, Shuichi tries to catch up by skipping some steps while going down the stairs. Little did he know that would be his demise.

Shuichi just barely misses a step and goes tumbling down the stairs. He rolls down the steps like a bowling ball and once he reaches the bottom, Shuichi see Kokichi standing in the doorway with an evil smirk on his face.

"Sorry Shuichi! Looks like we didn't work on our project tonight! Maybe tomorrow! Nehehee!" The childlike supreme leader waved goodbye before skipping out the house, leaving Shuichi all alone.

Damnit Kokichi!

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