Sweet Dreams

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The weekend flew by in a flash. Before Shuichi knew it, it was Sunday afternoon. Rantaro was just about to leave. The two had decided to also work with each other over the weekend, since Shuichi had to make up for a week worth's of work, but instead of working, they mostly just talked and watched movies.

In the end, Shuichi probably could've gotten more done if he just worked on the project by himself.

"I'm sorry we didn't get as much work done as we planned," Rantaro sighs, walking onto Shuichi's porch.

"It's okay. At least we got started. If I was trying to work with Kokichi this weekend, I probably wouldn't have gotten anything done," Shuichi smiles.

Rantaro smiles back, looking deeply into his eyes. Shuichi awkwardly glances to the side, the eye contact making him nervous. The green haired boy continues to stare at Shuichi for an uncomfortable amount of time.

"Uh... Rantaro..?"

"Well, bye then," Rantaro says nonchalantly. He gives a slight wave goodbye before walking away from Shuichi's house.

The blue haired boy stands there for a moment. That was a little... strange. Shuichi can feel his face heating up. He can't tell if it's from embarrassment or being flustered. Did he give Rantaro the wrong idea by inviting him over? Shuichi shakes his head. No! They were just friends.

Shuichi turns to go back inside when he sees a flash of purple. Oh no..

"Shuichiii!" The boy turns around slowly to see Kokichi in a large, white long sleeve shirt and short basketball shorts carrying a backpack. He had big bags under his eyes like he hadn't been getting good sleep, but his bandaid from Friday was now gone.

"W- what're you doing here?" Shuichi questions, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Because I wanted to recruit you to my organization! Duh! Geez Shuichi, catch up already!" Kokichi says with a smug smile."Just kidding, that was a lie! I just wanted to show you this!"

Kokichi takes the backpack off him and opens it. He reaches inside and pulls out a stack of paper. Handing it over, Shuichi cautiously looks over the top paper. Among countless doodles, it reads-

Shuichi Sahara and Kokichi Oma's project planning sheet! ʕ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʕ•̫͡ʔ•̫͡ʔ

Shuichi quickly skims over some of the stack of paper, becoming more and more amazed as he read on.

Kokichi had done all the work the two were supposed to do during the week all in one weekend. Shuichi couldn't even believe the papers in front of him. Of course he could tell which parts he'd done himself and which parts he'd had help on, but he'd still done the work regardless.

"You did all this?" Shuichi asks, handing the paper over.

"No, I just copied it off the internet!" Kokichi smiles, taking the papers and putting his hands behind his head. Shuichi squints his eyes.

"That has to be a lie...I can tell that you've been working," Shuichi states, looking at his dark circles and overly comfy clothing.

Kokichi's smile lessens a little.

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