The Love Project

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That night, Shuichi and Kokichi talk things over. Shuichi clears the air about what happened with Rantaro and confirms his feelings for Kokichi while the supreme leader promises to open up about his problems and trust Shuichi instead of pushing him away. With happy hearts, they agree to become a couple.

The next day, they walk to school together. Kokichi latches onto Shuichi's arm proudly as they walk into class. The detective feels his classmates' eyes on him, but he ignores them as he sits in his seat. Or at least tries to.

"Kokichi... y-you can let go now," he says. Kokichi gives him a pouty face.

"I don't wanna!" He says, squeezing his arm tighter.

"Kokichi..," Shuichi sighs. He pats his head as he waits for him to let go. It's then that he notices something in the corner of his eye.

"Hmm, what's this aboouut?" Kaito teases, sneaking next to Shuichi.

"Yeaaah, what's going on here?" Kaede chimes in, appearing on the other side of the detective.

"You haven't done something to him, have you Kokichi?" Maki smirks, coming in from the front. Shuichi feels like a fish surrounded by sharks.

"U-uh... hey guys," Shuichi smiles nervously. Kokichi looks up.

"Heeey!" Kokichi smiles. He notices the devilish look in their eyes. "Wait... Did you tell 'em Shumai?"

"N-no, not yet..," Shuichi says. A mischievous smile spreads across the supreme leader's face.

"Weeell, what're you waiting for?" Kokichi says with a finger to his lips. "Gooo oonn. Tell them eeeeverything ya said to me. Especially when you said you loved me~"

Shuichi's face immediately heats up.

"Awwwwe Shuichi!!! Tell us!!" Kaede squeals.

"Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" Kaito adds with a laugh.

Shuichi looks to Maki for help, but all he's greeted with is a smirk.

"You promised you'd tell us~" she says with sly smile. "So come on, spill!"

Shuichi is cornered. The eyes of his friends burn holes in his head as he looks around frantically.

"Come on Shuichiii~! It'll be easier if you just give up!" Kokichi laughs. The detective gives him a dirty look.


" told the truth..," Shuichi mumbles, finally giving up. "I do love you Kokichi... a-and I'll say it as many times as I need to..,"

The little leader stares at the detective for a moment before turning pink and pulling him in for a hug.

"Shumaaaiiii!" He whines, pressing his face against his chest. Everyone laughs around them.

"Wow, who knew you were such a romantic!" Kaito grins. "Maybe I should use that line on Maki!"

"You two are the cutest thing!" Kaede fan girls. She looks like she's about to implode.

"You better treat him right Kokichi," Maki says with a serious look, though she can't hide the excitement in her voice.

The bell rings as the teacher walks in. The group disperses as she starts taking attendance, but not without some complaining from Kokichi.

"Okay class. Today you will be presenting your projects. I'll give you five minutes to make sure everything is prepared. Then, I'll call you up in the order you're sitting in," the teacher says. The class begins talking quietly.

The Love Project (ShuichixKokichi)Where stories live. Discover now