Q&A time!

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Alright so I've gathered enough questions for this after so long. Let's get it started!

Nathan- have you ever thought about Jake in a fantasized way before y'all actually got together?

Nathan: No I haven't...

Author: That's a blatant lie and you know it

Nathan: I'm not lying!

Jake: you thought about me? *walks over to Nathan to give kisses but get pushed back*

Nathan: Not before I was your mate

Author: So you do it now?


Nathan- What happened to your parents?

Nathan: I honestly don't know and I could care less. It's not like they're worried about me...

Nathan- What's it like living with Jake?

Nathan: It can be annoying-

Jake: I am NOT annoying

Author: Bullshit...

Nathan: Bullshit...

Jake:... I hate you both

Nathan: But it has some advantages

Author: So tell me is getting unknowingly pregnant for 5 seconds an advantage?

Jake: Don't talk about my baby...

Author: Aren't you supposed to be dead?

Jake: This is not a chapter... It's wattpad limbo...

Jake- Are you Aggressive towards a lot of people?

Jake: Only when I want to be. Or if someone touches Nate.

Nathan: Awww UwU

Jake: What is that?

Nathan: What is what?

Jake: That thing on the end of your sentence...

Nathan: It's a Japanese emoji...

Jake: *blinks coldly* ew...

Nathan- What did you decide to name your kid? Is it a boy or girl?

Nathan: They are a boy and I didn't decide on a name yet. I was thinking maybe Kameron or Lyle.

Jake: Why not just name them Jake Jr.?

Nathan: We have enough of you as it is

What happened to Mason?

Author: So Mason isn't dead

Nathan: He's not!?

Author: Nope, but that's something to discuss later... You would think so since you punched him in his throat and the proceeded to punch him in his chest basically stopping his heart... But you didn't stick around long enough to know what happened...

Nathan: Wait happened to-


What is everyone's favorite food!

Nathan: Pizza

Jake: Nathan

Nathan: Jake!

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