Chapter 2 - Feelin' Like A Rock Star

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Chapter 2 - Feelin' Like A  Rock Star

I came back downstairs and took the lasagna out of the oven, replacing it with the garlic bread so it could heat up while the lasagna cooled. I made sure the table was all ready to go, including grape juice in wine glasses and lighted candles, then went back to the hall mirror to check on myself.

"Much Better." I was wearing a fuzzy sweater that showed off my midriff and had tear-drop shaped holes to leave my shoulders bare, a slim gold necklace, and short jean shorts. I didn't have a whole lot of ambition to do my hair, so I went with a simple ponytail. I wasn't the best at makeup, but I managed to make a few improvements with a light touch. Finally, a little lip-gloss, and I was done.

I went downstairs to our basement where we had a little family room. Our yard slopes, so the back wall of the basement isn't actually underground, and at the back of the family room were sliding glass doors that lead out to our pool. I leaned against the glass and watched the girls for a few seconds. DJ had a phone in her hands that she was using to control a small set of speakers. She was apparently expounding the virtues of some new artist she had discovered to a relatively unimpressed Mey. Rizzy, Pixie, and Kristy were playing on pool floaties, alternately trying to claim them as their own and flip each other off. Shogun seemed to be trying to teach Kelly some sort of martial arts throw. I think the idea was to get Kelly to flip her into the pool.

Kelly was wearing a black, two piece suit that fit very snug. It was one of those athletic swimsuits made less for fashion and more for competitive swimming. It hugged her top like a sports bra, and left very little below the waist to the imagination.

"Hurt me," said the devil on my shoulder.

I quickly slid the door open and yelled, "Dinner time, ladies!"

*          *          *

"That does it," Rizzy said to me, "I need a big sister. If you get tired of Kristy, just let me know. I can clear out the spare bedroom for you in an hour." The girls were suitably impressed with dinner, and were appreciative of the pampering.

"Thanks Rizzy, but I've spent fifteen years getting Kristy just the way I want her. I can't walk away from that kind of time investment lightly."

Kelly chimed in, "It is pretty awesome of you to give up your weekend for your sister." The girls knew my parents wouldn't have agreed to the sleepover if I hadn't been willing to stay and keep an eye on everything.

I got serious for a minute. "My parents just wanted someone in charge. It isn't like you guys need babysitting, just someone that can drive in case of emergencies. Besides, Kristy is the best little sister anyone could want, so I don't mind doing stuff like this for her." That got a round of sappy "aw's" from her friends. My sister was glowing. She loved it when her friends made a big deal over me, and even more when I made a big deal about her in front of them.

Then I slipped in, "Besides, my friends are all out of town or working, so it was either hang out with a bunch of dorky sophomores or nothing." This prompted Shogun to prove her accuracy with a chunk of garlic bread at my face. She connected, and everyone laughed.

"Hey, I have a question," said Kelly. "Why does everyone in the group have a nickname besides Kristy?"

The girls launched into the backgrounds of their nicknames. Apparently I was responsible for all of them, and they were quite proud of that. They saw the names as gifts from me to them. They seemed so proud, I couldn't bear to tell them I didn't remember most of their origin stories. I was learning a lot about how they saw me. I knew they liked me and everything, but the way they were talking about me, I felt like I had a fan club. I wondered if all big sisters felt this way.

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