Chapter 48 - Nobody Fights For Love

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Chapter 48 - Nobody Fights For Love

After I paid, Miles offered me a bottle of water and motioned to one of the padded chairs in his waiting room. In his kind, calm, nasally tone he said, "Why don't you sit with me for a while?" He walked around the counter and took a seat himself.

"No, that's okay. It's after closing time. I don't want to keep you from your family."

"Bodies have strong reactions to prolonged pain and stress. I don't want you to get down the road on your motorcycle and start to feel dizzy. I'd feel better if you chilled for a while. Besides, you said you'd tell me the meaning behind the piece."

I had filled Miles in on the break up while he put together a fresh tattoo gun, got sterilized needles, and put the temporary tattoo on my skin to serve as a guide. I could feel myself getting upset as I talked about Kelly, so when he asked me the meaning behind the artwork, I told him I'd explain it afterward.

I sat down and took a big drink from the water bottle. I guess I was a little shaky.

"The pain wasn't as bad as I thought. I heard someone describe it as a cat scratching a sunburn. That's pretty accurate."

"It's different for everyone," Miles said, then waited patiently to see if I needed to stall some more. I took a deep breath and started the story.

* * *

I felt like a real badass as I cruised down the backroads on my motorcycle. My jacket was off so that it didn't cause the wrap covering my brand new 'ink' to shift around, and the sunlight and wind hit my skin. My hair was now past my shoulder blades, and my braid escaped from my helmet, catching the wind on occasion. I squeezed the throttle with my black leather glove as I rotated it, thrilling at how loud the engine growled. I may have only been going fifty miles per hour in a fifty-five zone, but by the gods of posers, I felt powerful.

I stopped before I turned down the road leading to my house, and carefully put my jacket on to hide my new body art. I didn't want to deal with my parents and Kristy voicing their opinions about me getting a tattoo until I had a chance to clean it up and let it heal a bit.

When I pulled onto my road, I saw something unexpected. Trevor's Mercedes was sitting in my driveway and two beautiful women wearing sunglasses, bikini tops, and scandalous shorts were stretched out on the hood sunning themselves. I eased up next to them and shut off my bike.

I took off my helmet. "I feel like I just pulled into the Playboy mansion." The girls hopped off the car, and I was attacked with a group hug.

"You would know, Missy." Tara gave me a playful punch on the shoulder. "How many old Playboy mags are hidden under your dresser?"

"I do NOT have Playboys hidden under my dresser, Tara!" She gave me a knowing smirk. Kala raised her eyebrows. "Anymore. Not since I got my own phone, anyway. Curse having an indiscreet childhood friend!" I gave her shoulder a playful push. "What happens in middle school, stays in middle school, Tara! What are you guys doing here?"

They took my arms. "We're here to kidnap you for the weekend and make you have some fun," Tara stated firmly.

"For the record, I wanted to respect your weekend," Kala said, "but I couldn't turn down a chance to see you once Tara put the idea in my head." I pulled back.

"Okay guys, but I have to pack a bag before I go anywhere."

"We've got you, girl!" Tara said, opening up the door of the Mercedes and showing me my own duffle bag. "Your sister helped us. So, drinking? Dancing? Swimming in the lake? Hot tub? Your call."

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