Chapter 23 - Dreaming Of Adventure

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Chapter 23 - Dreaming Of Adventure

Me: I'm really excited to see you today!

Crazy Beautiful Eyes: Why is that?

Me: I feel like it's 'official' that you're my girlfriend now that we've told other people, even if it is just my family. I can't wait to cheer for my girl at tonight's game!

Crazy Beautiful Eyes: UR so funny! I can't wait to hear MY girl cheering for me! :)

Me: See you at school, Kelly Rose.

Crazy Beautiful Eyes: CU at school Analee!

Lunch time was actually more fun now that Cindy and I weren't talking. Sure, it was awkward coming into the cafeteria and not sitting by her, and I did miss her. However, we were both forced to expand our social circles, and that ended up being a good thing. While she turned to her church friends for companionship, I turned to my old friends, most of whom had gotten over whatever issues had separated us in the first place. Maybe they were less judgy. Maybe I was less sensitive. Maybe both. Whatever the case, it was nice talking to them as friends again instead of just as classmates. I also sat by Timmy and his friends on occasion.

Once in a while I snuck into my sister's group to chat with the girls and covertly eat lunch with Kelly. Today was one of those days. My extremely good mood was shaken when Timmy sat down across from me by wedging himself between Kelly and Rizzy. He plopped a laptop on the table between us. My first thought was that Timmy was there to hit on Kelly, showing me how possessive I had become. I chided myself for it, but I didn't have much time to reflect. Timmy demanded my attention.

"The guys and I were talking. You're going to be the lead singer from now on," he announced, as if I had no say in the matter.

"Um, no, Timmy. Tommy is way better than I am, and most of the songs we play have guy singers." The girls put their conversations on hold to witness me dealing with this new development.

"Well, maybe, but you can work an audience even better than he can, and chick singers are hot!" He opened the laptop, performed a few swipes and pushed a few buttons, then rotated it so that I could see the screen. "I give you...Exhibit A."

Shogun, Mey, and DJ leaned in for a better view. Kelly, Rizzy, and Kristy all came over to my side of the table so they could see whatever he was pulling up.

I was confused at first. It was a youtube video of a party taken from what was apparently a shaky phone. Kala came into view, walking towards the camera with two glasses of scotch in her hands and a big, open mouthed smile on her face. The camera moved to show me in the background, watching Kala's butt as she walked away, then talking to a guy. Walk This Way started playing.

"Oh dear gods of insobriety, no," I gasped. "Tara! Is nothing private anymore?"

Soon, I saw myself pulling a cute little blonde onto the stage and dirty dancing with her, facing her away from me and sticking my hand just slightly in her pocket. At the lyric about a little kiss 'like this' I turned her around and puckered up. The crowd went crazy. I didn't remember that much of a reaction.

Apparently I was totally confident that the blonde would come to me for a kiss, because I waited patiently for her. She did, but before she could make contact, I grabbed her face and pushed her back with a little 'away with thee' gesture. A chorus of disappointed masculine groans drowned out the song for a few seconds.

"Damn, girl!" DJ said appreciatively.

"Okay, I totally don't remember that part," I said quite honestly.

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