Chapter 50 - My Only Friend

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Chapter 50 - My Only Friend

I hefted the last box of clothes into the back of the Jeep just as Kristy came out of the house. She was holding a box in front of her. It had a picture of a little coffee maker on it. She presented it to me.

"A gift," she stated with a proud smile.

"For me?"


"Aww, thank you! My very first coffee pot. Now I'm a real adult."

"The only one we had to send with you was an ancient eight cup beast, so I made dad take me to get you a new one. Sorry I didn't wrap it. I didn't know you were leaving today until I heard you saying goodbye to mom and dad this morning. I thought you were leaving tomorrow."

"Yeah, I didn't want to do the prolonged, teary farewell, so I decided to leave on a workday. Besides, that'll give me a long weekend to get settled."

Kristy's eyes focussed downward for a moment, and I realized I was doing it again. For two weeks I had been checking my phone constantly. I shoved it back into my pocket.

"Are you sure they aren't waiting for you to call them? Maybe you should."

I shrugged. "And say what? They were both so bitch...ticked off at me. I figure they need to be the ones to call me when they get over it, or forgive me, or whatever."

"Are you ever going to tell me what happened?"

I put the coffee pot in the back of the Jeep, closed it, and rested on the bumper. "Promise to keep it between us?"

"Of course." She leaned back against the Jeep next to me.

I took a deep breath. "I got a little too drunk, and I tried to kiss Kala."

Her eyes and mouth shot wide open and she stood up straight. "Seriously? What happened?"

"Nothing happened. Well, not nothing. She blew me off, let me know she wasn't interested, and then the next morning she and Tara decided I was public enemy number one for some reason."

Kristy's eyes narrowed and she cocked her head. "That doesn't sound like either of them. I mean, we all thought know, liked you, and since when does Tara get mad at someone for getting drunk and wanting to make out? That's hypocritical."

"Yeah, well, recent experiences have made Tara reevaluate how wise it is to get drunk and fool around." Kristy raised a curious eyebrow. I shook my head. "Sorry. Not my secret to tell. As for Kala...for a minute I let myself think you guys were right and that she might actually be into me."

When my eyes came back up from my phone, I saw the pitying look on Kristy's face. I didn't even remember taking it out. I sighed at myself and shoved it back into my pocket. "Turns out I was right all along. In fact, the next morning they made sure I knew Kala was going to start dating someone."

"Did you...I mean, do you like Kala? Did you want it to be something more?"

I shrugged. "I was still really depressed about Kelly, and I was drunk." She looked me in the eyes for a second. We both knew I hadn't actually answered her question.

"Stay for lunch?"

"I kind of want to get going. I'm anxious to get the show on the road, you know?"

She stepped forward and gave me a hug. "Well, take care of yourself in Madison. Don't do something stupid just because your friends are being little bitches."

I kept my arms draped around her skinny shoulders, but readjusted so that my forehead was on hers. "Of course not. No more stupid things for me. Thank you for the coffee pot."

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