9| Distracted

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Pain shapes a woman
into a warrior
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   Before the start, the quiver was full of arrows awaiting to be shot through the air to soar straight into a target. In my ability, to hit the center of the target right at bullseye. Arrow after arrow, each flew from my bow, contracting and flying into the target but missing the center. Everywhere but the center. This wasn't the Eila Bane who was mentored by the Winter Soldier to shoot precise arrows into a perfect bullseye. The Winter Soldier would be in disgrace, laugh in her face. If he even knew how to laugh.

My bow arm lowered slowly as a heavy breath blew out of my chest. My eyes on the target drawn on a stack of hay. Straw out of the haystack, scattering around the floor and into the reach of some horses. At least the horses were getting some sort of gain from this worthless shooting. One horse's head lifted up, a loud sneer coming from its mouth as he flashed his teeth and bobbed his head as if he were mocking me.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked looking at the stallion with distaste. He lowered his head and licked up stray straw with his tongue. "You're welcome."

"Is my dear niece going mad? She's talking to horses."

I spun around to find Cyran entering the barn with a bitten apple in his hand. His eyes scanned over the bale with arrows, his eyebrows lowered together "I think you might've missed a little." He bit into his apple as he looked at me.

"You don't say." I remarked with a raised eyebrow, he smiled as he chewed his apple.

"Don't let Erebus see this." He pointed to the bale.

"Don't tell him." I sassed "You two always seem to be at odds but I know you both secretly tell each other's secrets while brushing each other's hair. You don't fool me, Cyran."

His head tilted back as a laugh escaped his mouth, his joyful laugh vibrating off the walls. "That's absurd. Erebus would never let me touch his hair, he loves it too much."

I chuckled "He thinks his hair is beautiful and precious but it..." I trailed off as Erebus entered the barn with a raised eyebrow. "Is better"

Erebus narrowed his eyes at me "My hair?"

Cyran smirked as he chewed a piece of apple in his mouth. I faked a smile "It's lovely."

Erebus nearly rolled his eyes in disbelief, he knew I wasn't speaking kindly about perfect hair. His eyes drifted from me and landed on the bale of hay, my heart beating a little faster as he redirected his eyes to me.

"You missed." His tone clearly unimpressed.

"You can't always be a prefect hit." I replied

He gestured for me to hand him over the bow in which I did. He took an arrow from my quiver, pulled the string just as fast as he released it into the air. It flew in a blink of an eye, straight into the center of the target- a bullseyes. Well...

"You're just distracted." Erebus said as he lowered the bow. "Clear your head, Eila."

"Of what?" I asked

"The current mishaps that have just taken place. People leave, it's apart of life." He lectured.

My eyebrows lowered as my hand clenched into a ball. Cyran was about to speak until I did first "If you're telling me I shouldn't care, that I shouldn't be sad, then I should say that I am because I won't be like you. I don't know what happened to you in your past life, uncle, and I pity you but you shouldn't have closed yourself off all those years ago. She should've let yourself hurt."

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