11| Overestimated

297 18 2

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She wasn't waiting for a knight,
she was waiting for a sword
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A raven landed on the windowsill of the cottage, squawking as a small rolled note rested around its neck. I tossed the quiver off my lap from sharpening arrows and ran to the window. I reached the raven, gently taking the note from it before it flew away.

With my fingers, I gently unrolled it to reveal a letter. My heart bursted with joy and excitement knowing it was a letter from Jon. He took longer to respond this time than the last letter.


I'm glad Bran had you by his side when he had woken up. I know you will do good by him, protect him. For your concern, yes, I am fine. Castle Black is like no other but here, I am no bastard. Benjen set out on a ride beyond the wall and into the haunted forest. He wouldn't let me go with him, said I wasn't ready. I haven't heard anything from him yet. I'm sorry I can't say much more, I have training to return to but just know, I do miss you.


"And I miss you" I sighed

I released an edge of the letter, letting it roll back up. The jubilance I had before opening was gone, now I felt a feeling of absence. Even being in the cottage was starting to feel less like home.

I grabbed my bow, clipped my quiver over my back and grabbed a sword that rested in its sheath. I pulled open the cottage door and left with a shut following behind me. There was a fair amount of sunshine, breaking through the cover of grey clouds. Winterfell was at its most silence now. Erebus was somewhere among here, he said he had business to attend to.

I walked around the castle and into the gods woods. I rested the sword against a boulder as I found an open space where trees spread wide around. I pulled the bow over my abdomen and pulled an arrow from my quiver, my eyes locked on a tree far from distance between trees. I pulled the string back with the arrow, breathing in slowly as I exhaled through my mouth and released the arrow.

My eyebrows lowered in disappointment as the arrow flew past the intended target and to the one past it. It's frustrating to see that my aim hasn't been the most precise lately.

I retrieved another bow and slid it between my fingers and bow string, pulling back as my fingers grazed over my lip. Breathing slowly and steady as I released the arrow, it soared towards the tree at a high speed. Passing the face of a person before striking into the bark of the tree. My eyes widened in shock as the arrow almost scraped over the face of someone or least to say, impaled.

I found myself striding towards the tree towards my almost victim. Robb's eyes were wider in horror and shock as he processed what happened.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I stood in front of him, scanning his face.

He blinked back "That.was.very.close." His blue eyes directed to me.

"Yes, it was." I said as I went and grabbed the arrow from the tree. "What are you doing out here?"

"I saw you wander in here." He said as he followed me back to my aiming grounds "I had to make sure you weren't up to no good."

"Of course not, now that you're the Lord of Winterfell. My Lord, forgive me for almost scratching up your pretty face." I said with a hint of mockery as I stood my ground at the aiming post.

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