Chapter 21

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       I stood up from my seat

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       I stood up from my seat. "Collette? What's wrong?" Willow asked looking worried. They all stared at me confused. What!? You guys don't remember!? "Leo, Cornia, Jack! Do you remember going to Cairii with me!?" I yelled. Cornia tilted her head, "What's Ca-irii" She asked. I quickly turned my head to Willow, "Willow! Do you remember Cassandra, you and I living together for three years!!" I yelled. She looked confused, "What are you talking about, Collette you only met my grandmother once!" She replied. No....why doesn't anyone else remember...
Why am I the only one that remembers!? ......I..... "...." jack stared at me, "Cairii...the sand empire....where you played 'uno' with an evil could I forget." He said an almost smile on his face. Ah..he...he remembers! But how! Just a moment ago he...
"Right guys?" He asked as he sipped his tea. Everyone started laughing. What? What's going on???? Is this a joke??? No way, it is...????? After a lot of laughing, everyone calmed down and looked at me. "Of course we do, we were waiting." Willow says her smile bright. "Ah."I started crying, tears dripped down like big buckets and I didn't even try to hide it. Willow got up from her seat and hugged me, "Sorry for joking with you, when you did finally remember it." Willow said. I hugged her back and cried like an ugly parrot. "I kinda feel bad now..." Cornia muttered. "Same," Quinn replied. They remembered!! All of them!! I'm so happy I could burst into a million bits of sunshine!! "Okay, okay," Willow said as we separated. She quickly grabbed a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped my tears. "I feel like you've gotten more babyish." She muttered. "Sorry!" I replied again cheerful.
"You know it was quite a shock for us to suddenly be in this world, and then be forced pretend like nothing happened." Leo said. "Really? What happened?" I asked. "Well, we were all doing our business when Kami suddenly appeared and said he was going to bring us to a different world where we had to live our lives as if it were like that from the start..and then he said that you wouldn't have any memories of our world and we need to play along with that until you regain them." Leo replied. Kami brought my friends with me I could be happy. And it probably wasn't a mistake that he let me see those memories, from what I know he's too powerful to make that sort of mistake. But why would he? What's his goal in all of this? Why does he want me to be happy so much. What's his motive in making me remember them and them remembering our memories? I don't understand.
I don't think I ever will, he's a being that creates worlds out of nothing. I don't think anyone but him can understand him. But for now, I'm grateful. I'm grateful he gave me my friends and memories back, and my family. And though I did resent it, I'm happy he created my friends. Though it is a bad thought, I'm grateful he made them go through all of that suffering. Because all of that suffering made the people I love today. I'm not a very complex person, and I'm not very kind or nice persay. I'm just a normal girl who loves her family and friends. And I like any normal person has dreams of adventure, but now I think I'm just happy I get to be with them.
I don't need adventure or an interesting life anymore, I just want to spend time with the people I care about. I was such a child. Kami thank you. Drip a note slowly fell down from the sky. "Hm? A piece of paper? Why did it fall from the sky?" Leo asked looking at it. I picked it from the air and and read it,
It read,
I cherish you, and your smile more than anything in this whole world. From the way you tilt your head when your focused to the way your shoulders jump up when you're surprised. I love it all. I'm a stupid thing, a being that never knew what love was. But the day you were born, I did. I cherish you, Collette. Without you being born, I would've kept living life as a bored person playing with humans and making more and more disasters occur. But you were born. So, don't thank me. I thank you, Collette. For teaching me how to live.

There was a tear drop at the end of the letter. I was blushing by the end of the letter. How can someone think of me like that? I haven't done much, but live. What am I admirable for.....but it touched me. The me, who never received praise in my drama club, in fashion, or in college. Someone who was so forgettable that her brother abandoned her, someone who lost her wonderful parents to her selfish desires to see them on her birthday. Someone who never was very smart, or pretty, or kind. Someone was watching and found me as someone who taught them to live. I feel touched. I misjudged you, who just wanted to protect me. But you still have weird methods. I slowly crouched down and hid my face in the letter. "Collette?" Willow asked. Kami, I wonder if your okay wherever you are. Isn't it lonely? Being there just watching.....I wonder if I can do something for the person who made me feel important. I wish you'd come down here and be my friend. Why don't you? Aren't you all powerful? Are you afraid? What's there to be afraid of?
            I cant understand you. Don't you want to join the happiness that you created? Why don't you? Kami...I want to know what goes on inside that brain of yours, would you care to tell me? Why don't you come here...."....." my friends stared at me confused.  "..." Even If you don't answer, it's okay. I consider you a friend, is it okay if I do? "...." I smiled as I stood up. "Sorry! Just felt really sick." I said. "Uh okay?" Leo replied. Willow the then hugged me tightly and said, "well, since most of our tea party was cut off. We'll have to end it today." Everyone sighed and slowly said bye to each other. I stood in the gazebo for a while, watching them leave. Greyson clouds floated above the bright summer sky and I could hear thunder in the distance. It was going to rain, I might as well stay under here for a while. The rain softly poured down onto the garden in a pitter patter way. I sat down again watching it, it's quite relaxing. Kami, are you sure your not lonely? "....." 
        A spring of light appeared I front of me in the rain and out came a figure with light blonde hair basically white and golden eyes, wearing white temple clothes with golden trimmings. As the light disappeared, he stared at me, unmoving, I didn't move an inch as I stared at him. Kami....
        He looked down, as rain poured on him. "I.....I'm......lonely...." he muttered. Ah, he admitted it. I smiled. "....whenever I create a world, I feel like I cannot disturb it what so ever and can only watch it...but I'm alone....I've been alone since the beginning of time." He muttered. "....I want with you...." he said. I widened my eyes. "I want to be able to smile and have fun with you...I'm jealous of all the people who get to do that with you....!!" he yelled.
        "....." pitter patter, pitter patter, pitter patter, pitter patter. "....." I wonder what can I do. "Why don't you stay here with me then?" I asked. Tear started pouring down his face, "I won' matter how much I want it, it's like a natural force, I won't do's the thing I won't do....I can't do....I can't interfere unless it's for a short time. I can't...." He replied as he tried desperately to wipe the tears away. "It hurts because I can't be with you, I can't smile with you, I thought I would be fine if I could just watch you, but now...I feel hurt! Because I'm not the one making you smile, it's someone else!!" He yelled. I hate it. I hate seeing people like this. I hate seeing them hurt. What can I do to ease it....I don't know.
             "....." there is a way...I can help him....and make sure my friends are happy. "Kami.....can I go with you? Back with you?" I asked him. He looked surprised. "What?" He asked. "I'll go back with you..." I said. "Really!?" His whole face lit up like a light. "Yes." I said. "I-I'm happy?." He said a beaming smile on his face. "....I want to see a happy smile on your face too, because you're one of my important people in my life. Thank you for being with me for everything, even those days as Itsumi." I said.
             "I have a question though." I added. "What is it?" He asked. "Where is Collette's soul?" I asked. "It's in my soul keeping place." He replied. "Can you bring Collette to this world, with my memories of that last world?" I asked. "Why?" He asked looking confused. "I think Collette should also have a chance to have fun with her beloved friends that I took. Even though to me their my friends as well.." I said cheerful. "....sure."
              Kami then walked up to me in the pouring rain and touched my forehead with two of his fingers. "Let's live this time together." He said smiling. I smiled back. With my friend since birth, I vanished into thin air. Never to be seen by that world ever again and Collette got to live a fun life with her friends.

                                                                                                The End
(Thank you for following the progress of Yandere si- I mean 'I Refuse to Live a Dull Life This Time!'. I'm glad I could end it as a quick yet complete story, this was my first story that ever reached over 1k, so I was really amazed. I'm so happy people took interest and every time someone starred or commented on a chapter, I always looked them over and was so happy. I remember always thinking, 'I'm not worthy!!' When people voted, or commented or saved my story to their reading list. I still remember the first person who commented @RachelWright571 and I wish I could name everyone who commented and voted and commented but that would make this too long because I have a lot to say!! Even so I'm so happy people somewhat liked this story!! In the next few days I'll be posting the epilogue and some stuff, lol. Just to let you know, I love you all! Thank you for reading my story through!!!)

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