Ch. 4

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I've been in the hospital for a whole 48 hours now and my babies have all grown at least another pound. The doctor which is human said that it's a miracle they even survived since they were born so early and he said it's even more of a surprise that they opened their eyes. Of course it's not actually but let's let him believe he's right.

They all have hazelish bluish eyes. And I still can't understand where they got this foreign eye color from. Aiden and Jaylyn looks the most different from all of us. Damien and Caden I'd say look more like me but still have traits that I have no idea where they came from. . I've decided to breast feed so right now I'm naturally feeding Jaylyn and Aiden while I have bottles with my breast milk for Damien and Caden. It's not like I have four nipples.

My mom eyes fog over and she gasp. "He knows you had his babies." She says. My eyes widen and I hug my two babies closer to me in reflex.

"And he's on a rampage. His wolf has taken control and it's a matter of time before he tracks your scent." My dad finishes. I sit up and think for a minute.

"You have to get home. He still has a connection with you two he can track you a lot faster than he can me." I say.

It's true a alpha can track any of his pack members with pure ease. And I left the pack yet they are still in it. "You could get kicked out the pack or punished." I whisper.

My mom sighs, "I knew this would happen." My father kiss her head and then comes and kiss mine. My dad is a quiet man uses few words and only spoke when needed the person he probably communicated most with is my mom.

I quickly mask my scent using my little energy left. Skylar walks in with two coffees and looks around. "Now I know I didn't waste my money on them expensive ass coffees. Where did mom and dad go?" She asks.

I explain everything and she listens. "You know you're going to weaken his wolf badly by staying away and keeping his pups away." She points out I sigh and think. His wolf did nothing wrong it would be evil of me to do that to him. But I can't come back not yet I'm not ready. I then come up with a solution it's a risky one a very risky one but I will have to take the risk. "We have to move closer to the pack lands." I sigh. Her eyes widen and she whines.

"But we just decorated the baby room." She whines. She sighs and stand up. "Let's check out. You've healed." She says pouting at my body. I nod and stand up I lay Aiden and Jaylyn down and instantly Aiden start balling up his fist and scrunch up his nose and then let it all out and screams. Aiden is the most whiniest baby I have. I gently stick his pacifier in his mouth and his eyes open his big beautiful greenish eyes.

After getting dressed I grab the car seats and buckle them in Skylar helps me carry them out and we start on our way home.

30 minutes later.

I am almost finish with packing and I am so happy my babies are asleep. Don't get me wrong I love them but it's more easier to put them in the car when they are sleep. Skylar has already set her house up for sale and with that I walk outside now really happy with my decision.

Kason POV
My wolf has wrecked the entire forest looking for my mate. I miss her and I'm not even going to front. I never said I did not want her. I said I didn't want to hurt her. I'm more than ready to settle down if that means she comes back to me. I'm ready to bow down to her as the queen she is and not give a single care what people think about it. I'm ready to be able to teach our kid how to walk and talk.

Right before my wolf runs into another tree my wolf strength returns to him meaning my mate is close enough to strengthen him. My wolf howls loud as he can to show how heartbroken he is and how sorry he is. I take half control and howl with him. Showing the same.

Nevaeh POV

After landing in Cali I step back in the airport I came in a while back to leave Cali. "Ok so I remember having a home here in Cali." Sky says looking around. After searching through her phone she finally found the address we were lead to this big two story home. "How much money do you have again?" I ask in awe. She shrugs and helping me in buckle the quads. Short for quadruplet. Good thing is we are a hour and thirty six minutes away from pack lands. We enter the house and it's a little dusty but it's nice.

I hope this doesn't go downhill.

Rejected With The Alpha's BabiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora