Ch. 29

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Oops I had this chapter done last night forgot to publish it lol

Six months later.

Nevaeh POV

So far I've been raped, abused, starved, chained, whipped, and I'm severely dehydrated.

But I still won't sell out Ace and my children.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to die soon. I promised myself I wouldn't break and I'd submit to him. But it's getting harder and harder. I have burn marks up and down my skin. So have cuts all down my legs. I have bullet wounds that I was lucky they didn't hit any main arteries.

But what these people don't know is. There's a darker hole building in my heart the more I'm away from children. The more I'm not able to see my mate. And that the silver didn't effect my wolf link to my mate. We've been trying to contact him but it's like a dark barrier is blocking us from his mind.

I swear if I make it out of here I'm cursing him out and making love to him. But that's the problem. If I get out. I'm starting to lose hope my mate will find me. And I know for a fact I can't get out myself. I mean the condition I'm in I'll be lucky to even get out and then I'll have to run. They would catch me and torture me for sure.

By now the kids have developed their wolf hearing. I miss them. They're what gave me reason to live when I was rejected. The smiles on their faces made me light up because I knew I was able to make that smile happen. And Caden. My biggest mommas boy out of all of them. He's probably still waiting on me to read that book he love so much for him when he goes to bed.

I hope someone knows how to do hair. Because gosh I know for a fact their hair will be messed up if I get back. Suddenly the door opens and I sigh in fear of what will happen to me and my baby next.

What's a story without the girl end being pregnant....but is the baby Ace or is it the kidnappers. And most importantly is the baby alive from all that torture?


I look outside at the dead grass and trees. Even the river that goes through the territory is dried up. My beast is still in control and because of that no one comes around me anymore other than my children. They have developed their superior hearing and eyesight and my mate missed it. I can feel the numb pain all through out my body signifying she's still alive but in pain.

I've felt pain my lower areas showing another man had what's mine. Thinking of it makes me throw my desk for the third time today into a wall. The kids are getting restless with not being able to see there mom and the only reason I didn't tell them the truth about her is because they are at a unstable stage with their powers and they could destroy half the earth.

Here's the prophecy behind them. This was suppose to stay a myth until they were born.

Four lights. One Red, One Blue, One Yellow, and One Purple. All were born to protect their creator. The mother. They fight with their father and fight for their mother. Strongest beings alive not even the purest of silver can harm them. Their mates...may the gods bless whoever messes with she or he. One says the red's mate will be the legendary fire wolf. The blue's mate will be the legendary wolf of the waters. The yellow's mate will be the legendary spirit wolf. The purples mate will be the legendary Earth wolf.

The fire wolf possesses the ability to bend and create fire. The water wolf can control the seven seas, sea life respects this person, the spirit wolf can call onto the great spirits, this person can also see the great animal spirits and shift into the spirit she or he decides to. The Earth wolf. This wolf controls the earth. The weather, the growth of plants, this person can grow a entire tree in a desert. Of course these people genders and any information about them is classified for safety reasons.

And I believe that is why my mates kidnapper wants her. This person believes that Nevaeh will give out the safety of her family. Either that or this person believes once my kids realize their mother is in trouble that the kids will come to her. It's obvious this person does not know that my mate is not completely a wolf or this person would've stopped using her as bait because for our children. But it is time they know the truth about their mother.

Suddenly the door bursts open and Jaylyn comes running in. "Daddy I wanna go outside." She whines. My beast is still in complete control so he picks her up and walks out the office. I call him my beast because he doesn't speak much. The most he's ever spoke was with the kids. "No." He says simply. Jaylyn pouts and he sighs.

"Why don't we play inside?" Suddenly a little girl runs by with Aiden chasing her. "STOP RUNNING!" Aiden yells taking off into a sprint. I can easily tell he can catch up to her but for some reason he's letting her believe she's how I used to do with her.

"WELL STOP CHASING ME!" She screams back in laughter. "NO YOU HAVE MY CHIPS!" He yells. "ITS A FREE WORLD SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT THEM ON THE COUNTER!" And with that she turns a corner with laughter. I sigh at the thought of how I used to be when my mate was here. We reach a indoors playground that I was having built over the months and Jaylyn's mouth drops.

I haven't allowed a single person outside of the pack coven house so I've been having indoor places built around the place.

I press a button on the wall for the intercom to come on and I tell any child that wants to play to come here. After a few minutes moms and dads drop off their kids and children start playing. I exit the room and start heading to my office before a voice pops in my head.

"Ace can you hear me?" I stop in my tracks and my eyes widen and blood tears drop out of my eyes. Vampires cry blood.

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