Ch. 32

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This chapter is short and not very eventful but eh. I'm on Christmas break so? More chapters will be coming like crazy. And I will assume there will be only at least four chapters left of this story.


I wake up with Jaylyn in my lap and I can't help but feel completely sad. Sad that I missed everything about the beginning of their lives. Sad that without even knowing I made Nevaeh go through all of this alone. I pull her close to my cold chest and for the first time since Nevaeh was taken I felt warmth. I looked down at the small petite tan child in my hand and knew at that I finally found the meaning of love. I love my children and I love Nevaeh.

I can see where she's ripped out the heart monitor stuff and I can't help but not be mad. I gently place her back in bed and decide to visit Nevaeh.

I exit the elevator and walk to her room expecting to see the worst. I enter and she looks completely lifeless, only thing determine she's alive is the steady beep of the heart monitor. I sit in a chair next to her and place her hand in mine. At this moment I wish I had some type of warmth in my body to warm up her freezing cold hand.

I may not be a vampire but my kind are similar to them. I take my hand and push a string of her beautify thick curly hair out from in front of her face. I let my eyes examine her pale bruised body. And I feel angry at myself for not finding her earlier.

"Hey Nevaeh."

"Nevaeh please don't die. I don't know what I would do without you. I still have a lot to tell you. Don't worry about the ass hole who did this to you. Right now he has his own dick shoved up his ass. Literally." I say. People have said people in comas can hear you and I hope it's true. I bury my face in her cold hand and let he tears stream out of my eyes. I haven't cried in over five hundred years. Yet this small, fiery, and strong female before me makes me cry.

I let go of her hand and exit the room. I'm met with a little old lady and she smiles warmly at me. "Thank the lord your here. I will assume your Mr. Ace. I'm sorry but I don't know your last name but I have news for you."

"Yes ma'am?" I ask. "Congrats your a father." Can she tell me something I don't already know.

"I know ma'am I have four right upstairs." I answer back trying not to sound cold. "Oh I'm sorry for the confusion is your wife not Nevaeh Rocks?" She asks.

"Yes ma'am she is." I answer.

"She's pregnant congratulations." My mouth drops and I rush back inside the room and remove the thick cover off of her stomach. And in fact there is a swollen bump on her. My hand covers my mouth and I take in deep breaths. Without thinking I place my head against her stomach and I hear that second heartbeat. How could I not notice she's pregnant? Maybe it was the adrenaline and I wasn't paying attention.

The little lady enters the room and looks sadly at my mate. "I do have to tell you I'm not sure the baby will survive. The trauma your wife went through with her kidnappers is terrible. It's a surprise she survived the first few nights her. But if you would like I can tell you the baby's gender." I instantly shake my head no. I could never go through something so important without my mate going through it with me.

"Sir. I can tell your a good man. But when the time comes if your wife does not wake up you will have to make to choice to either save her or the baby." My heart drops and I feel my world crushing. How can I make that decision. I've already growled to love the baby I just found out about.

"Another thing is for a six month old baby your baby is pretty strong and fully developed. The heartbeat is strong. And I can assume the baby will be a premie being born early." I'm not even listening to her at this point. But after a while she exits the room and I kneel down before my mate.

"Nevaeh. Can you believe that? We have a baby. Well another one. I promise to you I will never make you go through what you went through will Jaylyn, Caden, Damien, and Aiden." I kiss her belly and move to kiss her forehead. "I'll be back. Now I have extra reason to torture that bastard." I whisper to her. I kiss her hand and her hand squeezes mine ever so gently.

My eyes widen and I smile down at her. "Now I'm going back to the kids room because hey should have awaken from their nap by now and I don't want to leave them alone. Bye my love." I miss her once more and when no one is looking I speed run to my kids room.

So far it looks like things will be ok.

What gender should the baby be? 🙎🏽‍♂️🙍🏽‍♀️?

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