Reunited after war

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Nick: Percy left for a while. His friend Annabeth sent him one of those water calls, Iris Message I think he called it, then a boy appeared on a flying horse claiming they had to go. It's been a few days since that and I'm getting more worried each hour he doesn't return home.

I'm at work, overseeing emails and paperwork. I sigh before hearing a knock. Coulson enters the room and I arched a brow.

"Agent Barton is waiting to oversee the Tesseract project. Would they be expecting your arrival?" He asks.

"Indeed, they will." I say lowly. Coulson eyes me for a moment.

"Sir?" He says to ask if I'm alright. "Is there something I should know?" I looked over to the drawer where a hidden photo was being kept of me and Percy.

"Not that I can think of." I lied. I kept a strong gaze on the table, then look up at him. "Get the jet ready, I'll be there in 5."

Time Skip to after Loki and far after the Titan war

"Sir, you're needed downstairs by the main gate." Agent Barton said through the coms. "There's this kid here, I think you should see him. He's taken down most of the guards." Percy, I thought instantly.

"I'm on my way. Don't attack, let him through." I demanded. I felt Agent Barton hesitate but accepted my orders.

I jogged down to the front gates. There stood many men waiting to attack, outside I saw Percy standing around agents who had all been taken down. None were dead but unconscious or badly hurt. He carried no weapon and showed no signs of being hurt. Clint Barton was up above with an arrow aimed at Percy, he remained out of sight from the teen's eyes. I opened the doors and told the agents to wait. Percy looked up in an alerted stance, then he saw it was me and softened.

"Hey," Percy started off. I looked at him, walked forward.

"You or them?" I asked while glancing to the agents who were all down. Some were recovering briefly. Percy took in the sight.

"They attacked me." Percy defended. I heard a familiar laugh behind us both.

"For once he's not lying." Annabeth Chase said from near us. she was a little sad, her eyes held it deeply and pale but other than that Annabeth looked happy. I saw that she walked lopsided.

"You're hurt." I noted. Annabeth drew a sharp breath before nodding. "What happened? Percy wouldn't give details." For that Annabeth glared in his direction. Annabeth's glare is something that not even Percy can top, we were both wary of it.

"Thanks for that Nick." Percy complained sarcastically. "I would've but I barely understood what was going on to begin with." Annabeth considered something, then turned sharply. She saw nothing and looked back like nothing happened. Percy however whipped his head up to the direction of agent Barton and shot a glare. The arrow was still aimed, and the slip of Barton's hand let it slide towards Percy at a screeching speed. It hit him and shattered on impact.

"Woah," I whispered. Percy didn't show any signs of being hurt. The arrow remains were scattered out on the concrete ground. "Barton, back off. Back to your post." I said through the comms. He took a moment to pause before going back to the back where he originally was.

"And that was?" Percy wonders. His eyes go wide. "Wait, Clint Barton, right?" I gave a nod. The other agents who had woken up were heading inside to the infirmary. "so, we should talk. somewhere else preferably." He looked at Annabeth who smiled.

"I agree." Annabeth said. A smile formed on my lips. "What?"

"When were you planning on telling me that you two started dating?" I said.

"Nick!" Both said. 

so, this is more of a filler chapter but the next ones will be longer i assure you. in fact the next chapter involves the avengers team! 

I start school in less than 18 hours which i'm dreading already. Updates will be coming whenever i get time to upload. BTW, these chapters are pre-written from months ago so you don't need to worry about me not having anything to upload. 

- Brody

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