Nico's trouble, school fights and worried avengers

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I'm so unwell. My throat really hurts badly so I might take a day off school and die. 

Or... y'know, suffer at school. 


 there I sat, during lunch, on my own. I minded my own business, reading a book in Ancient Greek when Flash Thompson and his buddies walked in front of me.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here." Flash snickered. "I've been dreaming about beating the crap outta you for a while," I smirked and set my book down. I then stood and saw him back away by a step.

"Flattered to know you dream of me." I bit back. "Why don't you pick on someone else?" instead of another witty comeback I got punched.

I fell down and they acted instantly. I felt my ribs crack, I grunted and shut my eyes. I covered my face with my hands and let them kick and punch me. if I fight back then they'd get suspicious. Chiron always said to never fight mortals unless necessary. Nick said to beat them up, but I can handle a few injuries. I felt my arm break, I needed some Ambrosia for sure.

I had enough. I swirled my legs around and knocked Flash's legs over. I gave one of his friends a good hit on the head, sending him over and into a coughing fit. He groaned and had a bump, but he'd be fine. Jason had experienced so I knew he wasn't badly injured.

I gave a nod towards him while looking at the 2 others who were left unharmed. "Want some?" I dared. They ran away so fast. I walked off from the two injured kids and jumped the fence. I had more than enough for today and not planning on going to my next lessons. 


I sat in Central Park when my phone rang. Tony Stark himself was calling me. I would be happy except I knew why he was calling. I picked up and heard shouting instantly.

"Where are you?!" he screamed into the phone. I moved it away slightly and bit back a sob. He couldn't hear me cry, not now.

"Central Park," I answered. I clutched my side where my ribs were broken for sure. I longed for nectar or Ambrosia.

"And what the hell were you thinking?!" Tony screeched. I heard the rev of a car on his end. I gave a bet that he was driving. I didn't answer. "Percy?" I made a small humming noise, letting him know I was there. my throat hurt; I recall being kicked there. that can't be good.

Tony pulled up in front of me. his eyes were angry until he saw the state, I was in. Tony got out of the car to help me in, but I pushed him away. I got in the passenger seat and didn't say anything.

"Percy, what happened?" Tony begged to know. "Who did this to you? Was it – "

"Just drive," I growled. His eyes widened at my tone, but I couldn't care less. The car moved and I winced on the bumps. My phone rang again. who could that be?

"Percy!" Nico's voice rang in my ears. I squinted.

"Nico?" I managed to say. I chose to not look at Tony, but I still felt his eyes on me. "Where did you go? Have you found him?"

"No, no. But you have to listen." Nico said urgently. I looked out the window and waited. "Hell's name. it's Downtown. Remember that."

I was about to say something else but then he hung up. I let out a groan of annoyance.

"What was that about?" Tony asked. I didn't say anything. He nudged me nervously. He parked swiftly. I got out but he caught my arm. "Percy, tell me now!" I shoved him away.

"Screw off," I muttered and went up the stairs to the gym. Steve was likely at his own place so he's not back until this afternoon. Tony would rather die than go to a gym, so I'm safe here.

I'm safe here.

Am I? I then thought. Where's my dad? Why wouldn't he just let me live with him? He'd never let me live with these people if there wasn't a reason. I remembered what Nico said: Hell's name. it's downtown. What in Hades is that supposed to mean?

I punched the bag, then again, and again until it broke. It came flying off its hinges and I sat down on the floor breathing heavily. I clutched my ribs painfully. I sat up against the wall and looked up with closed eyes.

The light in my closed eyes was covered minutes later. I opened them and saw someone standing in front of me. Clint crouched down to my level with concern in his eyes and worry overflowing his aura.

"Who hurt you bud?" he said softly. I looked up at him with lost eyes and he sat down in front of me waiting. "What's his name? We'll sort it out." I shook my head, wincing from the mild pain.

"it's fine, it's not that bad." I protested. Clint sighed and shook his head at me. I glanced down and away from his face.

"It kinda is Perce," Clint said. "Why'd they do it?" I shrugged.

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "It's probably something silly like me knowing my English teacher and PE teacher or – "

"Wait." Clint stopped me. "How do you know them? That might be it." my hands tapped on the floor while I twisted my ring nervously. What should I say to this? He's almost as trained at Nick.

"My English teacher Malcolm Pace, he's my brother." It was as honest as I could get to the truth. He's not technically my brother-in-law because we never got married but I consider him my brother since he was a good friend. "And I went to this camp where my PE teacher works during the summer. They know some things have happened and went easy on me, I guess." Clint put a hand on my shoulder.

"What hurts?" he asked next. I managed to think about this but gave up with a sigh.

"Everything." I finally said. He chuckled a bit at the statement. "Ribs, arm, throat and head."

"so why are you speaking so much? You should've led with that." Clint said moving to my side. I saw his eyes get more worried. "C'mon, we'll get to Bruce."

"No, no, no," I said immediately with my hands up in protest. "Not happening. I'll be fine." I can't let them see my scars or how unwell and starved I am. Not going to happen. I sounded like Nico – Shit! I forgot about Nico. My eyes went wide.

"What? Does something hurt?" Clint wondered quickly. His eyes checked all over me, but I said no.

"Styx, I forgot about Nico." I groaned and leaned my head back. I'm blaming my ADHD. I got so side-tracked about Tony and the fight, gods I shouted at Tony.

"You look ready to pass out." Clint noticed. I gave a small nod but kept myself awake with guilt for both people. "Tony mentioned that kid. You were on the phone to him, right?" I continued to nod and hummed a yes.

"He's going to get himself killed. I-I need – "Clint shushed me. "But – "

"No. You're going to rest before you talk to your friend," Clint ordered. "Whatever it is can wait. He can handle a few hours." Hell's name is Downtown. I thought. Who's Downtown? What was that about hell's name?

Again, my eyes went wide, as wide as they can go. "I don't think so. I think he's in serious trouble." 

Oooooooo, cliffhanger! I'm annoying ik. My mates make me aware of that daily. 

My laptop (his name is Johnathon) is freezing madly. Might purchase a new one in a couple of months, or a year, or when I win the lottery, which is never. 

Have you figured out who Downtown is yet? 

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