Asking for help and fun lounge hangouts

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Had double English, then double Chemistry and finally double maths. 

I'm dead. 



 I sat with the Avengers while Clint ran to get pizza. He came back muttering about his retirement and farm. I couldn't remember what Piper had said about using phones. She owned one before she knew she was a demigod. The team took their share of pizza while leaving a few slices alone. Peter was on her phone, scrolling through photos of an app. Did I have that app? He came out of it and clicked on a blue app with an F on it. I checked and found that one there, it was with a section of Social Apps that Piper named for me. she set up all our phones but mine is the only one left out of the prototypes. I bet Leo is making improved versions as I sit here in confusion of the device.

Feeling embarrassed, I tapped Peter's shoulder. "Can you show me how to use this?" I asked in a whisper. He frowned and looked at me like I was an alien. I scratched my brow. "I've never had one before, only know how to take pictures." He spun his body to face me and took the device oddly.

"How've you never had a phone before? I thought SHIELD agents were meant to own the best tech possible." Peter asked. I suppressed a smile.

"I'm pretty sure everyone in this room knows it's a cover-up story by now," I admitted. I kept my voice soft so only Peter could hear me, and possibly Wanda if she wasn't reading. "Just – it's something I wasn't able to use so I never got one, but my friend made this phone for me and I'm testing it out. The only problem is I don't know how to use a phone." Peter swiped through the screen of my phone while smiling. I might have rambled a little too much.

"so, who's your friend?" Peter said. I sent him a confused look. "The one who made this phone. Why didn't you just get a Stark phone?" Letting out a sigh, I looked at the TV. Someone had changed the program to Game of Thrones which Nick loves.

I took the phone back and showed him a photo of Leo standing beside Piper. "That's Leo. He made all our phones but their prototypes. These technically have no technology, non-hackable and gives off no signal when taking calls." I explained quickly and quietly. His eyes widened noticeably. I handed it back to him.

"Seriously? Mind if I test that?" Peter wondered. I ran a hand through my hair and gave a small nod.
"Just be careful. It's the only one left and Leo's not here to fix it." I warned nervously. He leaned over the sofa towards Tony and mumbled something to him. I sat back into the sofa, internal panic seizing me unknowingly.

Peter returned and waited, watching the phone and looking back up at Tony many times. Tony was tapping away with wide eyes and distress on his face. I realised soon he was trying to hack the phone. My eyebrows went up. if he finds those videos, I thought. But he didn't, Tony sighed in exasperation. Some of the Avengers looked over in his direction.

"Your phone is – it's just impossible! How?!" Tony complained to himself.

"Tony? What're you doing?" Steve asked, looking over his shoulder. He frowned at the screen he saw.

"What make is your phone?" Tony asked me. I smirked and sat back. "Kid, it's not even registered on my sensors!" I suppressed a laugh.

"My friend made it, one for all of us." Then Wanda leaned over to look at my phone. "They're still prototypes," I added.

"Who's the girl?" She asked me, pointing to the phone. "She looks familiar." I pursed my lips.

"Just a friend." I managed to say with a steady voice. Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite. A charm speaker and a great friend. Someone who I missed dearly, the only child of Aphrodite to hate her parentage and who acted nothing like her cabinmates.

"Well it's official – I can't hack into your phone," Tony announced unnecessarily loud. Laughs sounded from all around.

Maybe these people weren't so bad, after all. 

I need to sneeze, but I suddenly can't. It's the most aNNOYING thing to happen. 

Also found a 10s playlist and it's incredible. Think it's called "'10s hits essentials" on iTunes 

Son Of Nick Fury (Percy Jackson x Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now