A/N - what's going on?

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Hey lads and ladies! As you can see, I am not dead.

It's been a while since I've updated this story and I'm afraid it will still be a while until I can work on chapters again. I've got schoolwork, I'm in year 10 and it doesn't get any easier from this point onwards. I've got my mocks, constant exams and tests to revise for and friendship drama to worry about. 

I'm working on strictly what I enjoy and am motivated to write currently. I have other stories and books including another Percy Jackson and Avengers story but that is not frequently updated. I have a Spiderman one-shot/short stories book which I write whenever I have the inspiration or motivation. 

I cannot apologise for enough but I have to take time to get through this work overload, keep my mental health intact and get ideas for the next few chapters. I'm very suicidal and not many people know about it, I get frequent panic attacks, and I'm really stressed out lately. I just need some time to work things out and I hope you can understand. 

I hope you can forgive me for this inconvenience. Have a good day!

Son Of Nick Fury (Percy Jackson x Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now