prologue: where one story ends...

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thought of the day: ''those who stand tall in history, are supported by a thousand nameless faces'' - unknown

location: Paeocitu capital city of the lordship of Orvags

no pov

a large walled city is shown on top of its walls stand four types of soldiers some wearing gasmasks some plate armour some flak armour and some without armour. some with bows or spears and some with a type of gun. when going through the streets of this city you would see more of these soldiers patrolling in it, in a large palace in a small office sat an old man his hair mostly grey with some strands of blond in it, his eye a dull blue the other was a robotic eye with a red lens and his face covered in scars. he wears a uniform of a common soldier the only difference being his shoulder rank, a cloak and a symbol of three purple arcs. this man was lord commander Jaune Arc he had fought for the imperium for 90 years and in those years he had seen many horrors from the horrors fellow man will put each other through to the Xeno menace to even demons, he is the lord commander of the 224th Kerkrader regiment the unbroken, renowned for there faith in the emperor no matter what happened even the greenest of guardsmen wouldn't retreat unless ordered or start to panic in the face of the enemy. commander Jaune was busy with paperwork when a junior officer ran into his office.

Jaune: what is it, soldier?

Junior officer: sir a heretic fleet has jumped into system, they outnumber our fleet 2-1 and have engaged in combat, aswell the heretic city-states on this planet have sent an army to this city and are starting a siege.

Jaune: numbers on the army?

Junior officer: unknown but orbital picts from the fleet have created the estimated that even counting the Catachan, death Korps regiments as well as the Orvags army they will outnumber us a thousand to one, your orders sir.

Jaune seemed unfaced not even caring for there numbers.

Jaune: prepare the men, inform the officers of the other regiments as well as the local lord, martial law is now in effect. then sent a message to the fleet, fight well and kill the filth.

junior officer: it will be done, my lord.

Jaune stood up from his chair and went to a wall were he left his weapons. he grabbed a familiar sword and scabbard the formerly named Crocea Mors but know it was a power sword with an inbuilt laspistol renamed to Purpura Mors and a lassgun with some text engraved in it ''be not afraid of any beast, no matter what size. when danger threatens, wield me, and i shall see its demise''. and a name ''Oblidim Morte''. when he grabbed his weapons and their ammo he picked up a helmet with the markings that signify his rank. and then left his office to find his commissar.

timeskip of three days

Jaune pov

it's been three days since the siege of the city each day the heretics will send wave after wave of men women and children at us they are trying to weaken us so that there better troops don't receive as many casualties i have ordered the death Korps, Catachan and Orvags troops to pull back from the 1st wall so that they wouldn't receive any casualties. while i and my unbroken fight on the wall. i heard someone run to us when i looked i saw a legionnaire run to me.

legionnaire: my lord, the eastern gate is breached they have a demon its unknown if any of our regiment is still alive at the gate. sir.

i was about to say something when i heard multiple impacts as if an artillery battery was firing at us when I looked around i saw what made the impact. a large red pod with heretical symbols on it, i knew what it was i had seen them before only then they would give me relive that we had reinforcements now i dreaded the things.

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