chapter 7: meet and train

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thought of the day: It remains a sad truth of the Imperium that virtually no veteran ever comes back from fighting its wars intact. Combat alone shreds nerves and shatters bodies. But the horrors of the warp, and of foul Xenos forms like the Tyranid, steal sanity forever, and leave veterans fearing the shadows, and the night and, sometimes, the nature of their friends and neighbours, for the rest of their lives. - inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn.

location: beacon

Pov: Jaune

i was in the elevator to Ozpins office, it had been some time since the dock incident and when i had informed Ozpin that i would except Atlases offer to train some troops. they should arrive today since the Atlassian students are arriving today with a part of its army. eventually, the elevator doors opened and i saw professor Goodwitch and headmaster Ozpin looking out of a window that had a view on some Atlas warships.

professor Goodwitch: - loves bringing his work wherever he travels

Ozpin: well running an academy and a military makes him a busy man. but yes, those are a bit of an eyesore.

before i could say somthing a peeping was heard from Ozpins desk and a screen that showed access request on it.

Ozpin: come in.

out of the second elevator came general Ironwood with a woman alongside him she looked like Weiss only a bit older and more disciplined.

gen. Ironwood: Ozpin.

Ozpin: hello general

gen. Ironwood: please drop the formalities. its been too long.

he said as he and Ozpin gave each other a handshake.

gen. Ironwood: and Glynda it has certainly been too long since we last met.

professor Goodwitch: oh James... I'll be outside.

she then left the room.

gen. Ironwood: well she hasn't changed a bit.

i decided to join in instead of just watching.

Jaune: general ironwood pleasure to meet you.

he looked at me before extending his hand.

gen. Ironwood: ah you must be commander Arc.

i took his hand and shook it.

Jaune: its lord commander, but let's drop formalities and just call me Jaune, who is this with you if i were to ask.

gen. Ironwood: this is specialist Schnee, she will be observing how you train our troops.

she gave me a quick salute and nothing more.

Jaune: now then Ozpin you called me here for what if i were to ask?

Ozpin: for two reasons, one to discuss your training and everything involved with it and Two James informed me that the Schnee dust company has found somthing that may be of interest to you.

gen. Ironwood: as you were informed you would get basic recruits to train, but after your report on the dock incident and what kind of threat it could form, it was decided by both me and the military's around Remnant to send you some of our best to train further these men and women were seen as to have potential or they have already proven themselves in battle. i had it arranged that their files were brought to your quarters.

Ozpin: i also wanted to know how the training would go, since you were allowed to train them on beacon grounds.

Jaune: it will be hard to say, the Kerkrader regiment had a failure percentage of 73%, compared to the readiness and willing of the people on Remnant i assumed a failure rate of 73% with a drop out rate of 22%.

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