his rejection

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He is a playboy
And the girls he plays like to play his games.

Those girls are also some rich dad's daughters not nobodies like her

She can never compete against them...but there was a difference here
All girls compete for his body and position.
But she want to compete for his heart.

She wanted to win his heart.
Which is next to impossible.

First he didn't even look at her let alone talk to her after that incident.
Second he  called her a charity case...and you often do charity and forget it
Third he is completely out of her league.

If she tells him that she has a crush on him...
He will politely reject her just like he rejects his other crushes everyday.

So what she did
Well she tried to stay in the shadows.
Secretly watching him without him knowing.

She liked doing it and that's enough for her
She was happy loving him secretly without expecting anything...or him even knowing.
She was happy with it and life was going at a normal pace untill that day.

She was coming out of her class when two men dressed in black blocked her way

"You are to come with us miss Williams....Your majesty has asked for you"

She froze and her mouth went dry...She couldn't say no to his order so she nodded and followed them.

They stopped Infront of a empty classroom and asked her to enter.

His bodyguards closed the door and he turned to look at the nerd

"I think you know why I have called you here Miss Williams"

She fidgeted with her specks and looked up at the next heir in line to the throne.

"If having a crush on someone is a crime then you can call me a criminal your Majesty"

He smirked and stood in front of her seat making her drop her gaze to his thousand dollar shoes.

"Having a crush isn't but stalking someone is"

She kept silent accepting that she did commit such crime,not only once but multiple times.

"Anyways what do you like about me Miss Williams?"
He asked placing his both hands on the armrests and moving his face closer to her.

She held her breath as her insides screamed anxiety.
She could feel her hands turning cold while her cheeks burning with fire.

"Is it my face or is it my family name ?I demand a true reply Miss please don't bother lying"

She looked up unable to form words to express herself.She liked so many things about him ,how can she explain them all to him.

"Well my dear stalker if you don't answer I am left with assumption."
She still didn't reply.Till he stays this near to her breathing itself was a big task speaking was impossible for her.

"okay then my last question
Have you stalked about my love life?"

She looked up into those pools of blue and moved her head in a no

"Well that should have been the first thing you should have googled about me...anyways let me enlighten you a bit ...I don't do relationships...I don't love Miss Williams ..I just fu**...is that what you want from me so that you stop following me?"

His straightforward question made her turn hundred shades redder...the word he used was enough to lower her gaze and burn her insides with a new swirl of emotions.

Crushing On Your Majesty;The girl he hatedWhere stories live. Discover now